Trial Date Set in Landmark Lawsuit Concerning Wrongful Death During Pandemic Hospitalization
Hospital's Motion to Dismiss Denied--Finally A Jury Will Hear Case
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
One of the most important rights stripped from Americans during the pandemic was the 7th amendment right to a jury trial. Devastated families lost loved ones due to therapeutic nihilism in the hospital and in some cases negligent care or even personal injury. Many are disheartened by corrupt courts and judges who dismiss cases out of hand. Finally a case is moving forward thanks to the diligence of Scott Schara, father of the late Grace Schara. Grace had Down’s syndrome and died of respiratory depression after she was given three sedatives in the setting of acute COVID-19 pneumonia. This is dramatic case and you can hear all the details from the father on the McCullough Report Grace Under Pressure – A Father’s Courage to Face the Biopharmaceutical Complex by Dr. Peter McCullough | Apr 10, 2023 | Health, Politics.
Here is the first page of the press release about the case:
You can read the full disclosure below. This case could open the door for a floodgate of litigation where families believe one or more breaches in the standard of inpatient care occurred:
Failure to continue outpatient multidrug protocols like the McCullough Protocol (no medication reconciliation)
Lack of informed consent
Denied access to family members
Denied adequate food and water
Failure sufficiently treat with viricidal nasal sprays and gargles, full dose oral antivirals, full dose steroids, aspirin, anticoagulants and adjunctive drugs
Use of remdesivir after the WHO recommends against the use of remdesivir in COVID-19 patients 20 November 2020
Unnecessary intubation for low oxygen saturation without failure of respiratory drive, mechanics, or other indication
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Supported in part by the McCullough Foundation