There may be just a *little* sarcasm added to the subtitle above, but it’s factual. If they censor before the word gets out, there isn’t as much damage control after the fact. In other words, it’s easier to control the messaging than to put out fires from released messages.
Earlier this week, I (Kevin Tuttle, Our Amazing Grace’s Public Relations Director) wrote a news release to be sent out via newswire. There are several options for newswire services and I had received a promo from EIN Presswire asking us to try their service for free before buying a package. That seemed like a reasonable offer and there was no obligation, so why not try it?
Since I’ve had some experience with the way a newswire press release works, I knew the release would have to be tamed down from the whole truth – which they don’t want to hear – to more a kinder truth, if you will. For example, the doctor who is responsible for Grace’s death at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital (Ascension) is Dr. Gavin Shokar. The 14-year ICU nurse who administered the drugs to Grace is Hollee McInnis. I knew I wouldn’t be able to name them, so I left their names out of it.
The subject of the release was the billboard campaign we have going in the Fox Valley with more than a dozen billboards scattered throughout, warning people that St. E’s is dangerous. In order to tell that story, I had to give context to it, so I included what happened and why the Scharas have launched the campaign. Here’s the release:
In order to get this sent out through the newswire, I had to send it to EIN for approval. Here’s their response to me:
From: EIN Presswire
Sent: Tuesday, June 7, 2022 2:28 PM
To: Kevin Tuttle
Subject: Concerning Your EIN Presswire Release [MSG:6365577:0:6365577]
This email is related to your recently submitted press release titled: Hospital Called Out Through Billboard Campaign
EIN Presswire is a distributor of press releases. Your format is opinion. We suggest you rework your content into a more typical press release style. We have reverted your press release back to draft for you to edit.
Your press release requires sources for the medical claims and a case number for the legal/criminal matters mentioned.
We have also noticed your website is missing a postal address. As we require full transparency for verification, please update the address on your website or social media pages for us to finish processing your press release.
Please refer to our Editorial Guidelines:
If you have any questions, please call us at +1 (202) 335-3939 or reply to this email. If you want to speak with us in Europe, please call +44 20 8036 3949.
Best regards,
Timothy S.
Client Services
EIN Presswire
Washington, DC
I was curious as to which statements were opinion, so I replied with this:
On 2022-06-07 19:42:34 UTC, Kevin Tuttle <> wrote:
Hi Timothy,
Which part(s), specifically, was opinion? The billboards are real, the medical information comes directly from medical records. Please see attached for package inserts and Grace's death certificate (all of this info needs to remain confidential), as well as the medical record that shows the doctor submitting the DNR 8 minutes after a max dose of Precedex was administered (Smoking Gun).
While we don't have a case number because it hasn't been filed yet, there are both a legal positions in the works.
The address is located on our website here.
The news aspect of the release deals with the billboards, but background info is given so the context can be understood.
I'm looking forward to your reply.
I forwarded the message to Scott Schara so he could see what I was dealing with, and he was understandably not amused. He replied to them as such:
It is my daughter who was killed. I have 600 hours of research into Grace’s death and have every single piece of evidence to show what happened. Everything Kevin supplied as backup is a start and anything you’d want to support 100 percent of what is written I can provide in seconds.Â
If EIN is censoring, like the national media, shame on you. Thousands of lives are being lost every single day because of censorship. What would you do if this was your daughter? You have a chance to make a real difference and it appears you are choosing to not do so. If I’m right, that makes you part of the problem. I hope I am wrong. If I am wrong, please let me know. I don’t want to judge prematurely, so am sharing my heart, as I see things right now. As I see it, ‘editorial guidelines’ are a convenient excuse sidestepping what is right.
If you want to relook at this situation, after hearing my perspective, I’d welcome that. We are looking for a news service in pursuit of truth because truth saves lives. Your solicitation motivated us to look at your service.
Thank you for reading and thinking about my concern.
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace â„¢
Apparently, Timothy couldn’t be bothered any longer, so he passed me/us off to another representative. Here’s their reply (completely disregarding a response to Scott, mind you):
Hello Kevin,
To provide examples as to why your press release was disapproved is regarding account verification. There is little information on their website ( about your business postal address. Also, this press release is making many medical, and potentially legal claims with insufficient sources as there no links to news articles or case numbers included.
If you have any questions, please call us at +1 (202) 335-3939 or reply to this email. If you want to speak with us in Europe, please call +44 20 8036 3949.
Best regards,
Dami O.
Client Services
EIN Presswire
Washington, DC
Do you see how they’re protecting medical institutions? Freedom of speech is completely ignored here in favor of not bringing a bad light to doctors and nurses. At this point, I knew they had little desire to work with me on getting the release out, so I responded to them once more:
Hi Dami,
I provided you the business postal address on the site. That is the address of the nonprofit we have established in Grace's honor.
I'm confused as to the many medical and legal claims you're referring to. When the CDC or FDA makes claims as to vaccine safety and efficacy, you all print it like the words came from God Himself. The FDA knew, for example, that Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine trial had over 1200 deaths, including those who died on the day they were given the shot. But the FDA said the shot is safe and effective and media ran with it. The only source the FDA had was Pfizer telling them the shots were safe, yet that was enough in that instance, unless I'm mistaken. And let's not forget that Pfizer tried to hide this trial data for 75 years, with the FDA's approval, but thankfully a judge made them turn over all the documents within a year.
So what exactly is a source for you? I just showed you the medical records. Whether this makes someone in the medical community sound incompetent, well, why don't we let the truth bear out and the reader make up his mind? Remember the Olympic Women's Gymnastics head doctor, Larry Nassar? He was a doctor who molested young girls for years, only to have people keep it quiet for him, too. What's the reason for protecting medical personnel who do wrong?
Here's an article that was published when we did a rally recently. Does that count as a source?
Please define what you need in a source.
Kevin Tuttle
Director of Public Relations
Our Amazing Grace â„¢
Needless to say, they didn’t respond to my email, either.
Thankfully, I was able to send the release out in another manner that didn’t have to first go through a censorship process. But this is why the news is so completely slanted. I have no doubt there are financial ties to Big Pharma, medical facilities, or government that EIN Presswire has, so they will not bite the hand that feeds them. These people aren’t interested in the truth. They’re interested in the narrative they’re told to promote.
If you’re so inclined to pick up the phone and call EIN Presswire to voice your displeasure with their censoring, the number is (202) 335-3939. Whether they support our message or not, we know YOU support us, and we can’t thank you enough for standing up for the truth and for what’s right.