Are We Being Played By Controlled Opposition?
A Special Word from Scott Schara
Think About It: Are We Being Played by Controlled Opposition?
Earlier this week, I did a 29-minute recorded summary on a topic God has put on my heart to share.
I do not know the hearts of any person referenced in this discussion, so please do not take it as me throwing any of them under the bus. Let us be clear on this: My degree is DAD. I am seeking to understand.
I know some have decided to sell out to Satan and I hope they repent before it is too late; some are unknowingly being used by Satan.
Our Enemy is Satan
Our enemy is Satan, not Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates. Satan’s role is to lie and deceive and he will tempt all of us. To that end, I know my responsibility is to be a watchman on the wall relative to the revelation of this satanic tactic.
Satan attempts to trap us into dialectic discussions. We then debate within predetermined paradigms instead of turning to God who is the only source of truth, we are always outside of the lies being sowed.
Following are the links you can share:
Above: Rumble Link -
Are We Being Played?
Evil: The Great Reset Dialectic vs. The Great Awakening
Satan has two sides of the same coin. God showed Scott to simply expose evil, and show the word of the Gospel. The banality of evil shows that this is a much bigger evil than just COVID.
The Light
The Bible tells us that Satan will masquerade as an angel of light.
This is what I am being called to explain today:
The brilliant strategy of Satan, first exposed in Genesis, in the Garden of Eden:
“It gets our attention on Satan’s distractions. Man-made dialectics prey on our sinful nature.”
Propaganda keeps us on “the next thing” - and we are not to participate in this. We are to be in the world, but not of the world.
Test everything against Scripture.
Every minute matters.
The Great Reset Was Never Designed to Win, but to Deceive
The Great Awakening plays on the security and comfort reset. Satan’s system is designed to trap us into evil vs. less evil - and to get our eyes off of God.
Today’s Examples of Controlled Opposition
After this background information, let us get into examples.
Around November 2019, we learned the names of researchers at Wuhan Institute of Virology. When asked if he thought Ben Hu was “patient zero”, Sen. Rand Paul said,
“I think there’s a very good chance he is, and I think there’s a very good chance that this revelation should seal the conclusion that this came from the lab. And there really shouldn’t be much question after this.”
In the same interview, Rand said that the same scientist would not have wanted to get infected. He also went on to say,
“It’s an example of how we need safer conditions but also more scrutiny of this.”
The fact that they never published it … it could have been a smoking gun!
Is that the Smoking Gun?
No. This thing was never a virus. By claiming it is a virus and a lab leak, this sets up a simple distraction that “labs need to be more safe”.
Dr. David Martin:
Our job today is to say no more Gain of Function research. Period. No more weaponization of nature (applause from audience). No more. Period. And most importantly, no more corporate patronage of science for their own self-interest unless they assume 100% product liability for every injury and every death that they maintain.
The only person that can play sheriff is the government. And the government is in bed with Big Pharma.
Above: Dr. Peter McCullough,
“We have been searching for some type of approach that can help people who have had infections multiple times, as well as taking one or more of the COVID-19 vaccine shots, because both infection and the vaccines load the body with the spike protein.”
In January 2021, Brooke Jackson exposed Pfizer as a prototype and a bioweapon, so it is hard for me to understand how someone can still call this a “vaccine”.
If you process what is happening now, there are now 100 million Americans on Medicare and MediCaid. Previously, it was 60 million and 39% of the US Budget. Now, it is over 50% of the budget.
How do we manage that bureaucracy? By killing people who receive Medicaid/Medicare benefits - no better way than convincing them to get a vaccine.
A Real Question:
The Medical Murder Lane
Attorney Tom Renz jumped into this lane with us. What’s wrong with that?
Look at Obamacare Section 1553:
Above: Congress passed this law and Republicans refused to repeal it. This is an impossible situation because on March 23, 2010, they put hospital murders on the agenda.
How would Congress ever find that “Congress” did something illegally?
It makes no sense.
November 14, 1986: The National Childhood Injury Act was signed by Ronald Regan and became law. How has that worked out?
People are being killed and maimed, and there is no liability.
The mainstream media left this by the wayside, forcing us to look into a mainstream clip that may have been missed by many:
NBC News reported on this case of this woman who said she “kept getting moved from room to room. The rooms kept getting smaller and smaller.”
The last room I was in, that ‘s where the worst of it was. I could feel myself dying. About a month later, staff urged her to be moved to end of life care. They pressured her daughter, sending 6-7 nurses to push for hospice care. The incentive was not necessarily for improved patient care, but for improved hospital metrics.
If a patient dies in hospice, their death does not “count” as a “death”.
Doctors face loss of their hospital privileges. Length of stay became an issue. Patients were being forced to go into Hospice, with a loss of lifesaving care.
The growth rate of Hospice can be double the national average at some HCA hospitals, all for incentives.
Canada has an assisted suicide program, scheduled to include the mentally ill, whose death rate rises every year.
The Slippery Slope
Euthanasia has been offered to Veterans and others made to feel like the government wants them to die as a forced measure, for mental issues. But should mentally ill, homeless, Down Syndrome and other issues be offered euthanasia?
Acknowleding God’s Hand
Newsmax is controlled opposition, as “less evil”. They took it off Dish Network, so they are set up for everyone’s support. We peel this apart and they throw Canada under the bus.
America is the best country in the world is the best country at pointing fingers at another country, while doing the same things.
Grace’s story was sent to the Joint Commission of Hospital - they did nothing.
The governor of Hawaii passed legislation to allow nurses to write orders for euthanasia because doctors weren’t writing enough orders. THIS, after the Newsmax show made fun of Canada doing the same thing!
A Tweet of July 16, 2023
Cancer gene found in COVID shot. When 70% of Medicare patients took the jab, we will see much more cancer in the future. Cancer is our body’s way of defending itself and the virus, once again, was a psyop and there never was a virus. Instead, there was the shot - a bioweapon.
Bet there will be a cancer vaccine, all too predictable.
COVID Is a complete psyop. It traps people in the world of viruses while an ever darker world is being prepared at the same time. The Great Awakening rejects God, and repentance is not a way out.
How can man be relied on to get us out of this? We must remain a Watchman.
Do not make the mistake of #1 failing to prepare, or #2 relying on your preparations.
Thank you and have a wonderful week!
References and Sites
“I do think it came from a lab”, says Senator Rand Paul on COVID-19 origin.
Dr David Martin to EU Parliament: Corona Virus Is a Bioweapon & Greatest Crime Against Humanity in World History
Dr Peter McCullough talks about Spike Proteins and the Spike Support Formula
Tom Renz calls for investigation of HOSPITAL MURDERS during COVID-19 pandemic – Brighteon.TV
'You're not God': Doctors and patient families say HCA hospitals push hospice care
Chris Plante Show
Obamacare Section 1553
We're being played
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I would welcome comments in the spirit of iron sharpening iron – Proverbs 27:17.
Thanks for doing your part and for the overwhelming support and encouragement.
Your prayers are keeping us pushing forward with everything we’ve got!
I hope your week is blessed.
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace ™
1 Sam 17:47
Our Amazing Grace is a trademark of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc.
Brilliant brother Scott! Yes, indeed, iron is being sharpened as you prompt me to meditate upon...“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But when it is unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness. Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.” Luke 11:34-36 NLT
And Matthew puts it this way... "And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!" Matthew 6:23 NLT
"If it seems we are crazy, it is to bring glory to God. And if we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life." 2 Corinthians 5:13-14 NLT Hallelujah & Shalom! Peter