Grace Schara Lawsuit Update - July 29 Hearing
Landmark lawsuit
We Won; Sort of…
In our human perspective, we tend to look at events as either a ‘win’ or a ‘loss.’ In God’s economy, He works out everything for those who love Him, so we had another huge win yesterday!
The short version of the results of Monday’s hearing:
1. We can disclose audio and transcript of depositions, but not video. The judge said whoever [obviously speaking to me] wants to disclose the audio or transcript must do so without altering, or affecting, the truth. Additionally, the material can't be disclosed to individuals who they know, or have reason to know, will harass or burden the witnesses or parties. He also said that by me speaking out previously, although lawful and not in violation of any court order, it appears to have impacted the parties or witnesses in a negative way. In short, the judge wants a very careful distribution of materials, excluding the video testimony, so that the defendants are not impacted, to the extent reasonable, by whoever discloses the material to the public. This ruling applies to all parties. The judge notably allowed me to share all three components of our family depositions – transcript; audio; video.
2. The trial date has been moved from November 4, 2024, to June 2, 2025. Technically, this move is subject to the parties agreeing to a revised Scheduling Order for the judge’s approval. All parties had agreed to the June 2 date, the week prior, subject to the judge’s calendar and approval. He approved the new date at the hearing. The faster this case gets to trial, the more lives that will be saved; the seven-month deferral doesn’t help with this mission. We are trusting God will use this situation for good.
Please read on for important details…
How did we get here?
A big-picture timeline:
10/7/21 Grace’s first day in the hospital
10/13/21 Grace’s first day in Heaven
4/11/23 lawsuit filed
7/14/23 first motions to dismiss; all denied
7/28/23 added battery claim
10/30/23 second motions to dismiss; all denied; battery claim moves forward
November – May – discovery (interrogatories, depositions, and expert reports on hold because of 6th doctor being charged; will restart in August)
Timeline of gag order and 6th doctor charged (now that the gag order decision is final, the information being shared is from documents filed with the court):
5/15/24 after two of three of our family depositions were completed, the defense requested a gag order on doctor and nurse depositions to start on 5/20/24
5/20/24 midnight hour stipulation stating our objection (see excerpt below) and requirement that the defense have the court rule on the matter
5/22/24 Dr. Shokar's deposition shows Dr. Gandev was in the supervisory ICU position; which leads to an amended complaint to add Dr. Gandev as the sixth doctor defendant
5/31/24 defendants file the required motion with the court and brief in support of their motion; strangely, the majority of their brief is an attempt to throw my research under the bus (see excerpt below)
7/15/24 plaintiff files brief in opposition (excerpts below document our rebuttal and position)
7/18/24 defendant files reply brief (excerpt below)
7/21/24 plaintiff sent warning letter to defense attorney regarding unsupported statements, an example in the excerpt above
7/22/24 hearing regarding gag order and amended complaint
7/24/24 briefs due by both parties regarding First Amendment perspective of deposition gag order; I’ve included an excerpt of our brief below, and a link to the entire brief below the excerpt for reference (it is only two pages and lays out the argument of the First Amendment very well)
7/29/24 follow-up hearing to decide on gag order and new Scheduling Order; the subject of this update
A First Amendment violation?
You decide. The judge said there was ‘good cause’ for not allowing the video testimony to be released. Wouldn’t the defendants want the truth out? They were under oath. I would be glad to have any defendant on my podcast or in a moderated debate. My sense of what is happening is their attorneys are not letting them speak out, so they attempted to legally bind me. My perspective is our lawsuit is not about justice, so speaking out is a must, in order to save lives. The defendants have had the same opportunity, but have chosen to go on with their lives, following orders that kill patients; siding with their paychecks instead of exposing what is going on in the walled gardens we call hospitals. I believe the fear of the truth getting to the public, before the trial, was the driver behind this foolish round of hearings. Even though we mostly won, any limitation on First Amendment rights is a slippery slope. Hopefully, the judge is not on that path. We are trusting God’s purpose will prevail, regardless of the path.
Calls to action
We need prayer now more than ever. We believe we’ve gotten this far because “God’s got this” as Grace would say.
We also want to save lives and are hopeful you’ll share Grace’s story, whenever you have an opportunity, and send this message to your friends. The research I’ve been posting on Grace’s website (OurAmazingGrace.net) is extensive.
If you are in the media, there are several items from the depositions that should be shared, before trial, to help in our education campaign. For those of you interested in an interview to focus on these items, please respond to this announcement. Similarly, if you are interested in the documents referenced in the timeline above, I will send the complete public document, upon request.
In closing
We must remember this anti-Christ legal system is not where justice is found. Assuming we win, writing a check for Grace’s death is not justice. Medical murder is the number one cause of death in America. Doctors and nurses have immunity from liability by following Standards of Care designed to hasten our deaths, which is murder. You would expect any law designed to protect the public would result in a minimum loss of license to practice. The medical industrial complex, in bed with our legislators and legal system, does not allow for that consequence. In Wisconsin, the medical “malpractice” statutory limit is $750,000. Assuming a victory, the payment doesn’t even come from the doctor – the statutes further require that he/she has medical malpractice insurance, so the guilty literally have no consequence of their actions.
The system I’m describing provides no justice for the real victims who paid the ultimate price, such as our precious Grace. Grace is one of approximately 1,700,000 deaths, annually in America, as a direct result of the evil practices of the medical industrial establishment. When man turns away from God’s laws, God’s judgment is certain; which is one of the many reasons our country is experiencing evil like we’ve never seen in history.
The only way out of this mess is repentance. Repentance for trusting in man [our sinful nature desiring a king – 1 Samuel 8] and believing that by chasing knowledge [“science” – Genesis 3:5-6] we can be like God. We are being bombarded with false prophets at an alarming pace, as God prophesied would happen in Revelation 13 and Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24.
Repentance of even one doctor, or nurse, would save more lives than any lawsuit.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
God and Grace Win!
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace ™
1 Sam 17:47
Our Amazing Grace is a trademark of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc.
What Can You Do?
Have everyone you know sign up for updates at GraceSchara.com and share Grace’s story. Please visit OurAmazingGrace.net to learn more about Grace.
This is such encouraging news!
I’m following Grace’s lead in saying that “Gods Got This” I believe whole heartedly that we will see justice from the top to the bottom in Gods timing.
God Bless the Schara family as you fight for Grace you fight for all of us that had loved ones that were murdered in the hospital by the deadly protocol from the evil ones.
“feeding content to his social media empire”. Wow… There are those who are willing to go so low, it blows my mind. There are many of us who are praying for you, your family, your legal team and for justice to prevail.