Greetings to you and may the Lord bless you this month!
July was an exciting month for the Schara family as their legal case (Schara v. Ascension Health) against the hospital and medical personnel, who were responsible for Grace’s death, was granted a 3-week jury trial beginning November 4 of 2024. That may seem like a long wait for justice – and it is – but the family is incredibly grateful that their legal team succeeded in procuring a trial. The first hearing resulted in the judge not granting the defense’s motion to partially dismiss the case, which is what the defense wanted. For more information on the case, please visit this wonderful post by Dr. Margaret Aranda on our Substack.

The road to this juncture has been extremely difficult, as you likely can imagine. First, going from losing your beloved child, to understanding a couple months later that her death was intentional, to then realizing that you’ve been programmed over the course of your life in nearly ever respect. The toll this takes on one’s life - physically, mentally and emotionally - is quite high. Relationships suffer, work suffers, sleep suffers; while loneliness, anger and despair replace them. Every day something new rears its head, that typically isn’t positive, so the fact that this family has stood together – through God’s grace – and continues to stand together through this awful ordeal is remarkable and a huge blessing! Your continued support of the Schara family is vital to moving forward because the calls, emails, texts and videos they’ve received from you have lifted their hearts profoundly. This lawsuit’s importance cannot be understated, and the fact they’ve gotten a win in this first round is so motivating and uplifting! As Grace would say, “God did it!” He sure did.
Over the course of the next 16 months, the Scharas and their legal team will be working hard to ensure this landmark case ends in victory for their side; thereby opening the door for thousands of additional cases such as theirs to proceed. It’s unfathomable to comprehend the devastation medical personnel, hospitalists, administrators and governments (local and federal) have committed on the American people under the guise of “healthcare.”
If you simply step back and look at the big picture of healthcare in the United States, it’s easy to see how money, with the legislative lack of accountability, is what drives the medical industry. No matter how poorly the outcome from their services manifests in one’s life, they will always find a way to excuse it or justify it, in almost every case. This is why doctors’ choices are the third leading cause of deaths in America, behind heart disease and cancer – and some could argue they’re also responsible for those issues as well, with the petro-chemical care they’ve provided people for the last 110 years. Taking responsibility for their actions isn’t a thought that enters their minds, especially when we have a corrupt system that encourages their continued abhorrent behavior. Justice must be served. It is time. God willing, justice will be served by the end of November 2024! Please remember to keep them in your prayers.
Editor’s Farewell Note
It’s been an incredible honor to have written these monthly newsletters since the beginning of Our Amazing Grace’s Substack. When Scott and I began working together in March of 2022 – I as his publicist, and he as the grieving father who simply wanted to warn people about what hospitals were doing to patients, so they wouldn’t have to endure the kind of pain he was in – he was doing what any man should do when fighting for his children.
In an era of emasculated men who don’t take responsibility for anything and buy into the “toxic masculinity” line leftists want people to buy into, Scott taught me many lessons. The most important thing he taught me was to fulfill your commitments. It’s a lesson I heard many times over the years, but the way Scott talked about the subject, and more importantly, the way he has not stopped pushing the intense urgency of the message, it pressed upon me the importance of keeping your word and completing the tasks that people are relying on you to complete.
Scott also showed me, as the story of Esther in the Bible professes, “for such a time as this” was he put on this earth. He could have given up all hope of justice, and mourned in solitude that Grace’s death would never have vindication. It would have been easier, right? But Scott and the Schara family fought back with everything they had: time, money, tears, and strength. When reviewing his career, training and skillset, Scott sees how God was directing him toward this exact moment in time. The belief that God’s plan is bigger than us provides great comfort and direction, and ultimately, hope.
With this being such a serious subject, it’s difficult to explain just how often Scott and I laughed together. To keep a sense of humor throughout this ordeal is a testament to his character and to his faith. The heart needs laughter and gets stronger because of it. I never had the chance to meet Grace, but I can only imagine her laughing with us as she listens from Heaven. Grace, your Earthly Father and the rest of your family are fighting hard for you! I know your reunion in Heaven will be spectacular!
I wanted to publicly take the opportunity – with this being my last newsletter, for now, due to pressing family needs – to thank Scott and the Schara family for their perseverance, for their inspiration, and most of all, for demonstrating love even throughout such a devastating hardship. As any of you who have been fortunate enough to know the Schara family, your life is enhanced by their friendship with you. The hugs I’ve shared with Scott, Cindy and Jess; the countless hours Scott and I spent talking on the phone, over Zoom, or in person about many different subjects; the events and rallies we’ve coordinated and attended together; and the fact that they’re in this position with their legal case because of all the support you readers have been giving them…touches me profoundly.
Please keep sharing their story and their updates. I look forward to being in that courtroom at the end of November 2024 to celebrate this win with them.
Family’s Note
Our family is indebted to Kevin Tuttle, aka Editor, for his knowledge and the work he’s been doing to help facilitate getting our message out. More importantly, for his encouragement to keep going. He was a Godsend and there with us soon after we jumped into the battle. His love, being a dad himself, was a blessing to us. He also fell in love with Grace, without ever meeting her, which is why his writings have been so special.
Kevin and his family need all of our prayers. He and his family are moving to Israel this month at God’s calling. He will be close to his parents and the weather should be beneficial to healing his wife Bonnie’s cancer.
Cindy, Jessica, and I thank God for bringing him into our lives. He understood the toll Grace’s murder took on us and was a pillar of strength as his love for the Lord shined through his heartfelt writings.
We will be looking forward to watching God work in Kevin and his family’s next chapter. We will surely miss him, but thankfully, with technology, we’ll be blessed to keep in touch.
Deprogramming with Grace’s Dad - July Shows
Dr. Lee Merritt has been in medicine since age 4 when she carried her father’s black bag along the back roads of Iowa. She graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in 1980 and was awarded lifetime membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. She completed an Orthopedic Residency and served 10 years as a physician and surgeon in the United States Navy before returning to Rochester to complete a fellowship in Spinal Surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and held a Congressional appointment to the Navy Research Advisory Committee. During 40 years in medicine, Dr. Merritt has been an advocate for private practice, patient centered medicine, and now is working to wrest her profession and patients from the clutches of the Medical Death Cult.
Scott and Michael Jaco (the Intuitive Warrior) discuss a number of topics surrounding Grace’s death.
Scott’s Monologue Episode: I do not know the hearts of any person referenced in this discussion, so please do not take it as me throwing any of them under the bus. My degree is DAD. I am seeking to understand. I know some have decided to sell out to Satan and I hope they repent before it is too late; some are unknowingly being used by Satan. Our enemy is Satan, not Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates. Satan’s role is to lie and deceive and he will tempt all of us. To that end, I know my responsibility is to be a ‘watchman on the wall’ relative to the revelation of this satanic tactic. Satan attempts to trap us into dialectic discussions. We then debate within predetermined paradigms instead of turning to God who is the only source of truth, always outside of the lies being sowed.
Daniel Kristos is the host of the Ba'al Busters Broadcast on Rumble, Roku, and He focuses on historical patterns of behavior in order to identify who's who in present day, and what their objectives are. Spoiler Alert, it's not to spread sunshine and happiness to all. Through the analysis of history, Daniel finds many of the manifestations of government, industry such as medical and law, organized religions, and corporations to have roots in the ancient Mystery schools and fraternal orders stemming all the way back to Babylonian times. His shows are an exploration of past and present to help connect the dots and make sense of what's going on and where we're headed if we don't all wake up. He also makes efforts to share the research of William Cooper with the present generation. Daniel is a former US Coast Guard Telecommunications Specialist, a small hot sauce business owner, author, former IBEW electrician, and most importantly, a dad to a beautiful and talented little girl.
An amazing testimony to the beautiful Schara family, Kevin. God bless you on your move to Israel and may your wife achieve her 100% healing. And as we watch Scott continue his fight through the next year+, may we keep opening eyes and spreading truth. Encouraging writers to Restack - this Landmark Case affects all of us and is the 2024 Case of the Year!