Unlawfully Legalizing Murder – The Devil is in the Details!
By Grace’s dad February 2025
Good morning,
Covid was a wake-up call to those willing to hear: 1,200,000 American hospital murders in 39 months! The U.S. was #1 in the world in the hospital deaths category, with India (with 4X the population) a distance #2, with 533,000 deaths.
Long before Covid, even the CDC recognized that “medical malpractice” was the third leading cause of death – heart disease 700,000 + cancer 600,000 + medical malpractice 400,000 = 1.7 million annual deaths. Heart disease and cancer deaths are a result of the treatment! Chemotherapy has a 97.9% kill rate, for example. Historically, 61% of the annual 2.8 million deaths in America are from medical murder; 142,000 new medical murders every single month!
God used Grace’s murder to open my eyes to the facts listed above and the agenda causing the statistics. After 4000 hours of research, I’ve summarized the legal (not lawful) process our government puppets have put in place to murder us.
Here we go. Below are the top 14 pre-Covid unlawful transfers of our God-given freedom to the state:
1. 1905 - Jacobson vs. Massachusetts. Supreme Court precedent (another illegal doctrine) established the satanic principle of collectivism as the law of the land. God believes in individualism. Here’s what one of the justices wrote in support of the 7 – 2 decision: “… the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand…” Mr. Jacobson didn’t want to take the smallpox vaccine and offered proof to the court that the “vaccine” would not stop the spread of the disease and, in fact, may cause other diseases of the body. Stepping back to the reality of this ruling, who do you think decides ‘great dangers’ and ‘reasonable regulations’?
2. 1910 - Flexner Report. The Masonic Rockefellers and Carnegies pulled off the bait and switch known as ‘conventional medicine’ today. ‘Trust the science’ became the lie that duped Americans into consuming 5,000,000,000 prescriptions last year.
3. 1933 - Fiat currency. There is no accountability and the love of money facilitates cooperation at the highest levels necessary to achieve the goal.
4. 1935 - Social Security. We directly gave up our financial freedom for the illusion of retirement security.
5. 1965 – Medicare. We directly gave up our medical freedom for the illusion of free health care when we retire or become disabled.
6. 1980 - Health and Human Services Department (HHS). The formality of the bureaucracy to hasten our deaths was established, using a deceptive title.
7. 1984 - Chevron doctrine. Another Supreme Court precedent. This one creatively allows federal government bureaucracies to make “policies” without Congressional oversight.
8. 1986 - National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Only Roe vs. Wade has caused the premature death of more people than this mandate. Ronald Reagan eliminated downstream liability for vaccine manufacturers. News flash: no “vaccine” has ever been tested; a colossal deception.
9. 1980s - Standards of Care (SOC). Through the Chevron doctrine, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), coerced health insurance companies to determine what medical services would qualify for reimbursement. State statutes were written to provide doctors with immunity from liability for following SOC. The book “Dissent in Medicine” was written by nine medical doctors in 1984 and proves the SOC model was put in place, by design, to hasten death. Two notable quotes from the book regarding cancer: “The entire field of orthodox oncology will disappear as chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation for cancer are revealed as fundamentally irrational and scientifically insupportable.” And: “… a patient stands a better chance of recovering if he is never diagnosed.” They were ignored.
10. 1980s/1990s - Public Health Emergency (PHE). Through a series of Congressional actions, unilateral authority to declare a PHE was turned over to the HHS Secretary, so no one would get their political hands dirty. During a PHE, the HHS Secretary has broad authority to administratively decree nefarious actions. One critical example happened on Thanksgiving Day, 2022. Specifically, death panels were unilaterally created via the Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee. The mandate states, “The Secretary and CMS are charged with determining which medical items and services are reasonable and necessary, or otherwise covered, for Medicare beneficiaries, under title XVIII of the Social Security Act.”
11. 1997 - Merger of Social Security and Medicare. The Clintons gave us this nightmare. If you rely on Social Security for your retirement, you are automatically on Medicare. Using the principle of collectivism, and the lie of the need to balance a fiat budget, they set in motion the process of rationing medical care which is a major tool to hasten death. Today more than one-third of Americans are controlled under this scheme – by design.
12. 2005 - PREP Act. This legislation was passed under the radar, as part of a defense appropriations bill near Christmas. Why? Any time a PHE is in place, the “countermeasures” taken are immune from liability. During Covid, ventilators were countermeasures, with a 90% kill rate.
13. 2010 – Obamacare. Section 1553 legalized euthanasia!
14. 2012 - Repeal of Smith-Mundt Act. Repealing this 1948 statute allows our government to use propaganda against us. “Safe and effective” became legal, even though the government, through the Department of Defense’s contract with Pfizer, admitted the death shot was not a vaccine. This acknowledgment is part of the public record thanks to the Brook Jackson False Claims Act lawsuit filed against Pfizer in 2021.
I trust you can see the groundwork that set up the Covid PSYOP and how cleverly Satan has utilized men to snap the control grid into place for our physical bodies. He has done the same thing with the apostate church for our spiritual souls; more on that topic in the future.
The “good guys” are now pivoting to personalized mRNA cancer vaccines. All-cause mortality has increased by 20% since 2020 - an additional 500,000 annual deaths due to the “vaccine” used to calm our fear of the boogeyman virus. Cancer is a better tool to create compliance.
Thankfully, we’ll be able to live longer with cancer vaccines to fix the cancer caused by vaccines.
Why do we fall for this theater?
We’ve been deceived by the evil versus less evil paradigm Satan originally used in the Garden.
I was on several interviews this past month sharing what I’m laying out in this article. One of the comments received gave me a glimpse of how the majority has fallen for this trick: “I’ll never agree with mRNA BUT I think the only reason Trump allowed the C19 vaccines was so we weren’t locked down for 5 – 8 years waiting for a cure. Period! More people would have died in the solid lockdown for years. Remember, Trump also brought up Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. Why would he do that?” Decades of programming has the collectivism Kool-Aid and less evil “solutions” running through our veins.
As I zoom out from Covid, the Red Pill movement was designed by Satan to expose evil (deception of modern translations of Ephesians 5:11), in the spiritual battle for souls, so the Angel of Light can snap the control grid into place, as God said would happen in Revelation 13. Revelation 13 lays out the Hegelian Dialectic method Satan has been employing for thousands of years. The Red Pill movement accomplishes Satan’s goal of mankind participating in his own demise, both legally and through various methods/organizations designed to give the illusion of choice through fighting evil with less evil (voting for President, for instance). God warned us of this Trojan Horse trap in 2 Thessalonians 2:10 – 12 and 1 Thessalonians 5:3.
They will never cut off the head of the snake they built. This death-culture snake was orchestrated by the same serpent from the Garden. Can we fight satanic evil with a less evil king fighting our battle? God’s warning to the Israelites in 1 Samuel 8 is equally applicable today.
We’ve all either directly or tacitly approved each of these 14 items because we don’t trust God. Therefore, we are each being called to repentance for our part. We’ve sold our birthright for the illusion of security from the state.
After repentance, God will show you your role in this battle.
Finally, in Galatians 6:7 – 8, God warns us: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” If Satan walked around in a red suit and a pitchfork, it would be easy to not fall for the traps. We are not going to be fooled by evil but by less evil disguised as good – the oldest trick in Satan’s playbook.
Our defense is the finished work of Jesus Christ, plus nothing. We are in the world, but not to be of the world. Satan’s world was created as a powerful delusion to deceive us to slowly and systematically walk away from God. One of Jesus’s final prayers was focused on this concern (John 17:6 – 19). We’ve been willingly and unwittingly programmed to participate because we don’t believe we have a good Father.
It is time to repent, unplug from the world, trust God, and become the men and women He called us to be.
If you’d like to follow our story and advocacy work, please sign up for our newsletter at:
You can also sign up to follow our landmark legal case at www.GraceSchara.com. For the inspiration behind our family’s advocacy, please visit www.OurAmazingGrace.net. There you will find some fantastic pictures and videos of Grace, as well as resources and research. If you’d like to help with our mission: https://www.givesendgo.com/theskysthelimit.
Thanks for your prayers and continued support.
Grace’s Dad
Scott Schara, President
Our Amazing Grace ™
1 Sam 17:47
Our Amazing Grace is a trademark of Our Amazing Grace’s Light Shines On, Inc.
This Satanic Agenda has not only tricked the masses, but has provided a means for training doctors into believing they are in a "higher" position that makes them a God. It allows them to decide a person's fate, delay their treatment, get paid for turning them to the right or to the left, and for deciding who lives and who dies.
We know they have something else up their sleeves - so we must keep our eyes on the heavens, trust God, stay in tune with His Word, and refuse to follow the crowd.
Great article, I think you will relate to this:
We’ve devolved to a place where: If they cannot kill you in the womb with abortion, they will fill your veins with poison and then wreck your mind with pedophilia and trans ideology, wreck your body with FDA approved toxic wasted masquerading around as food, wreck your morals and virtue while desensitizing you to the worst this world has to offer with a hollywood education, wreck your education with critical race theory & social emotional learning, and then cast you into the MAID meat-grinder.
The above lament about the oncoming darkness doesn’t have to be our fate—we’ve been imbued by our creator with ample capacity rise to these challenges. Or…
We can sit back and do nothing against this encroaching darkness, and then one morning we will wake up to have hell on earth smirking right to our faces, and due to this inaction waged against a force that is making zero attempt to conceal the fact that they are diligently working to capture, corrupt, kill, or enslave us, we will have earned this fate of living in a nightmare we knowingly let them create. But our children will be dragged in right along with us, and they will have not, and we will be responsible for throwing them into this prison.
We either stand up and wage war for what is right no matter the cost or our fate will be in the hands of total psychopaths. And then, even if we fail, we can still look our children and our God in the eye and tell them, sincerely, that we fought for them. That we recognized and faced these challenges with truth & courage. And that means everything.
Excerpt from: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/the-gathering-darkness