"Very few people ‘see’ this esoteric spiritual agenda being played out with exoteric dialectics getting us to participate in our own demise. The desire to be like God has manifested itself into collectivism on both sides – evil and less evil."
I would be shocked if Trump turned out not to be a fraud. Two huge clues for me are that he chose JD Vance, founder of AmplifyBio as his VP. Second, he has Howard Lutnick, Mr. Carbon Tax himself as his co-chair of the transition team. To me the Three C's lead to the Beast System. Covid, Climate and Commerce. And everything is aligning. As well, we know there needs to be a third temple and his Secretary of Defense nominee Hegseth is quite outspoken on that issue. It will be fast tracked. Israel will give up land for peace and their temple and will be betrayed. That is how I see it. No good comes of this. I pray I'm wrong.
I like the 3 C's because everyone can see it. The third temple deception is part of the larger Israel deception, as I see things today. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting outlook. I will keep my ears to the ground on this one. It always appears good (whitewash) until you confess the wood underneath is rotting.
Please don’t throw out the baby with the bath water by assuming all those who voted for Trump fit into one “less evil” camp. The day of judgment is coming but it is not this day. The Trojan horse has been inside the gate for a long time. This election did not usher it in. Just as the Lord tarries because of his mercy toward those who will repent, there are some who rejoice in this election’s reprieve (however brief) from the impending overthrow of truth and freedom, praying and endeavoring to use whatever windows of opportunity present to stand in the evil day and be faithful stewards for the Kingdom of God. I appreciate your voice, your perspective, your warning. Not your broad brush of conclusions (judgment), which I’m not sure are a comprehensive view of God’s.
Great challenge. You are right about the trojan horse being inside for a long time. From that perspective, the horse came out of the gate for a short time, to pull others inside the gate, which is the larger goal. I can't rejoice in the illusion of a reprieve. I am thankful that God's got this. Resisting every evil, at every level, is very important at this critical time. Thanks Kathy.
Thank you for bringing awareness and most importantly always pointing to Jesus as our Only Hope.The deception is suffocating and its only getting worse. I ask God for Wisdom and Discernment to not be fooled.The Bible is our Google search and Map.Let us who have eyes see and ears hear.God's Got This❣️🙏
Thank you for this valuable information. I listened several hours from your Rumble site: Deprogramming with Graces Dad.
I almost did NOT vote this year because I felt I would be greatly judged by God to place my stamp of approval on the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately I fell to the delusion and pressure to which I regret. Yes, I will repent for sure.
It’s interesting all you have shared from Scripture is what came to my mind over the years but, like you admit, I am lacking trust in God. It’s confusing that people like MelK and Man in America and the Five Docs have brought up Heglarian dialectic, yet they are Trumpers, too. I appreciate how you break it down with your slides...fabulous teacher!
I agree that COVID called us to repentance. You and JB Hixon are truthful and courageous in calling a spade a spade. Thank you for speaking, writing, and podcasting. God’s protection is upon you. Joshua 1:9
You’re an encouragement to me to go back and remember from where I have fallen...Revelation 1:4. Thank you for being an obedient doulos for Christ Jesus’ Kingdom.
Thanks for this excellent post, Scott. Some journalists (the real ones that are left) are scrutinizing Trump's appointments and feel we are heading directly into worse times, whether it's a financial collapse or war with Iran. So I'm very curious whether we'll instead see the "great awakening" that will dupe many.
I just know that some day "the rubber will meet the road," and I'm going to have to decide NOT to accept that digital ID or currency, and instead live in the wilderness or something. That decision won't be easy, even for those with very strong faith.
There is so much deception right now,God Help us!I did vote for Trump and now I just Pray that God convict Trumps heart to do His Will.Your research and Material is Valued! God Is In Control🙏
Very interesting post. I read it with an open mind and am in awe of some of what you reveal. I voted for Trump not because I view him as a savior or a king, but rather as a man who can stand up against the evil so prevalent in our world. Has America been saved? I’d like to think that, but I know better than to place trust in Man, even one that God may be using. Only God gets my complete trust. But perhaps we’ve been able to pull back the reigns a bit and given ourselves more time to point people towards God. If we know and believe God’s Word, we know the evil will continue until Christ returns with believers beside Him to defeat Satan. Use discernment, pray for it, I keep telling people because otherwise you will be blindsided by Satan.
And probably most of the players don't understand the role they actually play, which makes the trick all the more beleivable. Trump may have good intentions, and if he were to humble himself as he has been implored to do by at least one credible prophet recently, all would likely be well. Unfortunately there are a great many biblibal signs that he instead becomes the antichrist.
Contemplate this: the name Trump has been more spoken than Jesus in all of history. Today's boost and multiply, what gets clicks worldwide, it's Trump by the billions of impressions every day. Ai generated. If you want a view/ click just use the name. I watch David Knights broadcast. He hates Trump. The name Trump was mentioned 181 times in his broadcast yesterday, more than once per minute. Contemplate todays world before thinking Jesus in history. God bless y'all 🙂
“THIS 👇IS WHY TRUMP WON! The people got down on their knees and REPENTED, FASTED AND PRAYED, SOUGHT THE FACE OF GOD, and Vowed to turn from their evil ways.”
I believe this is a direct quote from a post Dr. Margaret Aranda made shortly after the re-election of Donald Trump.
Yesterday, I see this “They are all in on it!”, as a prelude to a cross-post of “Can Evil be Fixed with Less Evil.”
So my question is, which is it? Both cannot be true at the same time. Is, in fact, “America Back” as proclaimed a mere two weeks ago, or are we still in the same place we were on November 4th because according to the Doctor “they are all in on it.” Mixed messages, much?
To the person who authored this piece, please spare me your claim to the moral high road of not voting. Let’s pretend that enough people like you stayed home and chose not to cast their vote “for the lesser evil.” As a result, Kamala Harris is elected in a landslide and with her, an overwhelming majority in the House and Senate. Because of this, an unlimited abortion bill is passed by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court which now has 15 Justices. In all 50 states abortion is legal up to birth. There is no religious exemption from providing abortions and all costs are now covered by Medicare for all which replaces all other insurance plans, which have now been banned. Title IX now includes wording to allow males pretending to be females all rights afforded to women including access to scholarships previously reserved to biological females and access to female dressing rooms and showers. Nationwide, parents are stripped of all parental rights if they do not affirm their child’s gender choices, and irreversible surgeries are performed in record numbers on minor children, as the trans mind virus permeates schools nationwide. Home schooling is banned. The economy collapses and there are food shortages due to price control measures enacted by the Harris administration. Real meat is scarce due to regulations passed by Congress, limiting the production of beef to reduce greenhouse emissions. Millions are displaced from their homes as unrealized capital gains are taxed and homeowners don’t have cash to pay the taxes. Millions continue to stream across the border and Americans are displaced from their jobs. Cities become war zones and martial law is declared. People begin to flood rural areas to escape the cities in a desperate search for safety and food. All vaccines are mandatory including a semi-annual mRNA booster for Covid. In January, shortly after being inaugurated the first Black Woman President, the WHO declares a bird flu pandemic and NATO troops are sent to the US to ensure compliance with WHO pandemic guidelines with the consent of Congress and the Harris administration. Civil war breaks out but the military has been deployed to the Middle East and Ukraine, and millions of Americans become casualties. The Ukraine war escalates and Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons.
The fault in the above scenario or any lesser version thereof, lands squarely on the shoulders of self-righteous, morally superior individuals who look down their noses at those they deem ignorant plebes who are not smart enough to interpret the Bible— which, if you have been blessed with the superior intellect necessary to interpret it correctly, and obviously none of approximately 76 million people have, clearly states DJT is, if not the Antichrist, at least a very close approximate thereof—and chose to hold themselves above the fray and withheld their vote because….Evil. We’re so much better off because of these morally superior people. Thank you so much for your wisdom and good judgment—NOT!!
“Did the desire for a King blind the majority…?”
Who wants or voted for a King? Did I miss the part on the ballot where the heading King replaced President? Did he declare he was running for King? I certainly didn’t cast my vote for a King! I voted for a President who did what he said and managed to get Roe v Wade overturned, which is what had been sought for decades. He never promised to seek a national abortion ban and would never have been successful in doing so. Have you ever heard the metaphor about how you eat an elephant? If not, the answer is one small bite at a time.
I voted for a President who promised to pursue peace instead of war.
I voted for a President who NEVER mandated the Covid jab, who spoke of UV light therapy and hydroxychloroquine as potential alternate treatments and was excoriated and mocked mercilessly by the press and medical establishment for doing so.
I voted for a President who is not a scientist nor a medical doctor and to my knowledge, has never claimed to be either one, who believed a conglomerate of “expert” researchers and scientists both in terms of the nature of the pandemic and the nature of the “cure” presented. In hindsight, a bad decision, but one possibly made in good faith without a true understanding of the evil lurking in the wings. Fauci and company went to great lengths to hide what they were doing, how would DJT have known? Even if he had, literally no one, or at least not enough, would have believed him and if you think otherwise, you’re choosing to ignore how focused all media outlets were on making Trump look foolish whenever he talked about Covid. Likewise, he was not the author of the hospital protocols. If anyone deserves the blame, it is the cadre of medical doctors across the land (with a few exceptions) who lacked the critical thinking skills or moral courage to stand up and call a halt to the madness that was occurring worldwide. Had doctors and medical professionals spoken with one voice this would never have happened. Many are still not speaking up.
Throughout your diatribe you consistently make comments like “people who claim to be Christians” and “…a smart man but another one who I believe is blinded by Trump”. It is obvious that you believe yourself to be both morally and intellectually superior to any person who believes DJT to be inherently flawed (as we all are, including you), but fighting for the sovereignty of the US and the God given rights of we the people. Since you delight in quoting the Bible, how about Matthew 7:1-3 “Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
If the context in which you quote the scripture, “a leopard cannot change its spots” is accurate, then we are all doomed because we are ALL sinners, we all have our own individual spots. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that people can’t change or that flawed individuals can’t serve a part in God’s plan. The Bible is rife with flawed men and women who changed their spots or were called by God in spite of their flaws: Moses, Saul, King David, Peter, etc. I am not suggesting, necessarily, that DJT is one of these, then again, I’m not suggest he isn’t. All I know for sure is that God works in mysterious ways and that neither you, nor I, are in on HIS plan.
Lest you get too wrapped up in Revelations and your interpretation thereof, keep in mind Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” To borrow a phrase from 1 Corinthians, we humans see “through a glass, darkly”
The perspective you are missing is that we've been programmed to believe the US is not a corporation, and therefore presidential elections matter. They have conditioned us to believe our rights come from the state, so we participate in our own demise by participating in their theater production. Until a person sees Satan's spiritual agenda, none of what I'm sharing will make sense. This is the programming I've become awake to since Grace's murder.
I’m not suggesting evil forces are not at work, undoubtedly they are and have been since time immemorial. I’m also not suggesting that I have all of the answers, but I would also suggest that you don’t either. I do, however, get annoyed by overt claims that I’m morally or intellectually inferior based on the fact that I choose to vote. Obviously you are entitled to this opinion, but when you choose to put it out there in a public forum, I’m going to respond.
As to the claim that the US is a corporation rather than a Constitutional Republic, I’ll just say that I have seen those claims and done some research and do not find any of the arguments I’m aware of, to be credible. Most are based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of language used in legal documents and/or treaties.
None of my comments to you are meant, in any way, to minimize or downplay the unfathomable depth of your loss. As a parent, I sincerely empathize, but can only hope to never be in a position to truly understand the agony and grief you have endured. I hope you are somehow able to find some measure of peace.
THIS is alleged "modern" politics in America, in Israel & most western country's.
THIS goes back to the OLD Testament's idea of "an eye for an eye" - which means sanctions up to war - whenever someone makes a mistake or commits an error.
That is WHY wars have become more devastating & more deadly ever since humans began killing each other with full INTENTION.
A single killer with the intention to kill - is called a "murderer".
A president who kills a million or more is called a "strong president".
But in both cases - the surviving people seek "revenge" - which means MORE Killing.
This is called a "VICIOUS CIRCLE" - as there is no escape possible - the killing continues eternally . . .
Then came JESUS of NAZARETH and called out this FAKE-theory of "an eye for an eye" - and replaced this "vicious cycle" with a FUNCTIONING method called FORGIVING - which is the only functioning method on this planet.
So the real CAUSE of the fighting today is OLD Testament against NEW Testament.
WHAT does real science say?
The INTENTION to harm or to kill = EVIL = PSYCHOPATHY
Man is basically good, which is the reason why professional therapy works 100%.
Everything else on this topic is FAKE-news from the MAFIA aka "DEEP STATE".
This article summarizes the grand trick!
"Very few people ‘see’ this esoteric spiritual agenda being played out with exoteric dialectics getting us to participate in our own demise. The desire to be like God has manifested itself into collectivism on both sides – evil and less evil."
Well said, Margaret.
Well then, you have taught us well 🙏
It's all a giant play and they're all in on it
💯 percent correct.👍🇦🇺
Thank you. Things are substantially more evil than they appear.
I work for a church and witness exactly what you have written about on a daily basis.
Thanks for sharing. Please let me know if they'd like us to come and speak.
I will definitely pose that at our staff meeting. Thank you.
People are blinded by the MAGA(witchcraft) and the Dark Gothic Maga
Well said.
I would be shocked if Trump turned out not to be a fraud. Two huge clues for me are that he chose JD Vance, founder of AmplifyBio as his VP. Second, he has Howard Lutnick, Mr. Carbon Tax himself as his co-chair of the transition team. To me the Three C's lead to the Beast System. Covid, Climate and Commerce. And everything is aligning. As well, we know there needs to be a third temple and his Secretary of Defense nominee Hegseth is quite outspoken on that issue. It will be fast tracked. Israel will give up land for peace and their temple and will be betrayed. That is how I see it. No good comes of this. I pray I'm wrong.
I like the 3 C's because everyone can see it. The third temple deception is part of the larger Israel deception, as I see things today. Thanks for sharing.
Interesting outlook. I will keep my ears to the ground on this one. It always appears good (whitewash) until you confess the wood underneath is rotting.
Please don’t throw out the baby with the bath water by assuming all those who voted for Trump fit into one “less evil” camp. The day of judgment is coming but it is not this day. The Trojan horse has been inside the gate for a long time. This election did not usher it in. Just as the Lord tarries because of his mercy toward those who will repent, there are some who rejoice in this election’s reprieve (however brief) from the impending overthrow of truth and freedom, praying and endeavoring to use whatever windows of opportunity present to stand in the evil day and be faithful stewards for the Kingdom of God. I appreciate your voice, your perspective, your warning. Not your broad brush of conclusions (judgment), which I’m not sure are a comprehensive view of God’s.
Great challenge. You are right about the trojan horse being inside for a long time. From that perspective, the horse came out of the gate for a short time, to pull others inside the gate, which is the larger goal. I can't rejoice in the illusion of a reprieve. I am thankful that God's got this. Resisting every evil, at every level, is very important at this critical time. Thanks Kathy.
Thank you for bringing awareness and most importantly always pointing to Jesus as our Only Hope.The deception is suffocating and its only getting worse. I ask God for Wisdom and Discernment to not be fooled.The Bible is our Google search and Map.Let us who have eyes see and ears hear.God's Got This❣️🙏
I like the statement, 'The Bible is our Google search and Map.' Thanks Vanessa.
Hot topic question. dEvil is fought with GOoD till that day when dEvil is blotted out of existence.
Thank you for this valuable information. I listened several hours from your Rumble site: Deprogramming with Graces Dad.
I almost did NOT vote this year because I felt I would be greatly judged by God to place my stamp of approval on the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately I fell to the delusion and pressure to which I regret. Yes, I will repent for sure.
It’s interesting all you have shared from Scripture is what came to my mind over the years but, like you admit, I am lacking trust in God. It’s confusing that people like MelK and Man in America and the Five Docs have brought up Heglarian dialectic, yet they are Trumpers, too. I appreciate how you break it down with your slides...fabulous teacher!
I agree that COVID called us to repentance. You and JB Hixon are truthful and courageous in calling a spade a spade. Thank you for speaking, writing, and podcasting. God’s protection is upon you. Joshua 1:9
You’re an encouragement to me to go back and remember from where I have fallen...Revelation 1:4. Thank you for being an obedient doulos for Christ Jesus’ Kingdom.
I appreciate your encouragement, Marissa.
Personally I didn't vote. I do not like the lesser of two evils either.
Good to hear.
Great post!!
Thanks Emma.
Thanks for this excellent post, Scott. Some journalists (the real ones that are left) are scrutinizing Trump's appointments and feel we are heading directly into worse times, whether it's a financial collapse or war with Iran. So I'm very curious whether we'll instead see the "great awakening" that will dupe many.
I just know that some day "the rubber will meet the road," and I'm going to have to decide NOT to accept that digital ID or currency, and instead live in the wilderness or something. That decision won't be easy, even for those with very strong faith.
You're welcome John. You are thankfully on the path.
I am glad some people can see the truth. I do not feel so all alone now.
There is so much deception right now,God Help us!I did vote for Trump and now I just Pray that God convict Trumps heart to do His Will.Your research and Material is Valued! God Is In Control🙏
Thanks Vanessa. I understand.
Very interesting post. I read it with an open mind and am in awe of some of what you reveal. I voted for Trump not because I view him as a savior or a king, but rather as a man who can stand up against the evil so prevalent in our world. Has America been saved? I’d like to think that, but I know better than to place trust in Man, even one that God may be using. Only God gets my complete trust. But perhaps we’ve been able to pull back the reigns a bit and given ourselves more time to point people towards God. If we know and believe God’s Word, we know the evil will continue until Christ returns with believers beside Him to defeat Satan. Use discernment, pray for it, I keep telling people because otherwise you will be blindsided by Satan.
Thanks for your thoughtful comment, Kelly.
And probably most of the players don't understand the role they actually play, which makes the trick all the more beleivable. Trump may have good intentions, and if he were to humble himself as he has been implored to do by at least one credible prophet recently, all would likely be well. Unfortunately there are a great many biblibal signs that he instead becomes the antichrist.
Excellent point. Jesus makes it clear that there's no riding the fence.
Contemplate this: the name Trump has been more spoken than Jesus in all of history. Today's boost and multiply, what gets clicks worldwide, it's Trump by the billions of impressions every day. Ai generated. If you want a view/ click just use the name. I watch David Knights broadcast. He hates Trump. The name Trump was mentioned 181 times in his broadcast yesterday, more than once per minute. Contemplate todays world before thinking Jesus in history. God bless y'all 🙂
Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I like David Knight's podcast also.
More than a Feeling America is Back
“THIS 👇IS WHY TRUMP WON! The people got down on their knees and REPENTED, FASTED AND PRAYED, SOUGHT THE FACE OF GOD, and Vowed to turn from their evil ways.”
I believe this is a direct quote from a post Dr. Margaret Aranda made shortly after the re-election of Donald Trump.
Yesterday, I see this “They are all in on it!”, as a prelude to a cross-post of “Can Evil be Fixed with Less Evil.”
So my question is, which is it? Both cannot be true at the same time. Is, in fact, “America Back” as proclaimed a mere two weeks ago, or are we still in the same place we were on November 4th because according to the Doctor “they are all in on it.” Mixed messages, much?
To the person who authored this piece, please spare me your claim to the moral high road of not voting. Let’s pretend that enough people like you stayed home and chose not to cast their vote “for the lesser evil.” As a result, Kamala Harris is elected in a landslide and with her, an overwhelming majority in the House and Senate. Because of this, an unlimited abortion bill is passed by Congress and upheld by the Supreme Court which now has 15 Justices. In all 50 states abortion is legal up to birth. There is no religious exemption from providing abortions and all costs are now covered by Medicare for all which replaces all other insurance plans, which have now been banned. Title IX now includes wording to allow males pretending to be females all rights afforded to women including access to scholarships previously reserved to biological females and access to female dressing rooms and showers. Nationwide, parents are stripped of all parental rights if they do not affirm their child’s gender choices, and irreversible surgeries are performed in record numbers on minor children, as the trans mind virus permeates schools nationwide. Home schooling is banned. The economy collapses and there are food shortages due to price control measures enacted by the Harris administration. Real meat is scarce due to regulations passed by Congress, limiting the production of beef to reduce greenhouse emissions. Millions are displaced from their homes as unrealized capital gains are taxed and homeowners don’t have cash to pay the taxes. Millions continue to stream across the border and Americans are displaced from their jobs. Cities become war zones and martial law is declared. People begin to flood rural areas to escape the cities in a desperate search for safety and food. All vaccines are mandatory including a semi-annual mRNA booster for Covid. In January, shortly after being inaugurated the first Black Woman President, the WHO declares a bird flu pandemic and NATO troops are sent to the US to ensure compliance with WHO pandemic guidelines with the consent of Congress and the Harris administration. Civil war breaks out but the military has been deployed to the Middle East and Ukraine, and millions of Americans become casualties. The Ukraine war escalates and Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons.
The fault in the above scenario or any lesser version thereof, lands squarely on the shoulders of self-righteous, morally superior individuals who look down their noses at those they deem ignorant plebes who are not smart enough to interpret the Bible— which, if you have been blessed with the superior intellect necessary to interpret it correctly, and obviously none of approximately 76 million people have, clearly states DJT is, if not the Antichrist, at least a very close approximate thereof—and chose to hold themselves above the fray and withheld their vote because….Evil. We’re so much better off because of these morally superior people. Thank you so much for your wisdom and good judgment—NOT!!
“Did the desire for a King blind the majority…?”
Who wants or voted for a King? Did I miss the part on the ballot where the heading King replaced President? Did he declare he was running for King? I certainly didn’t cast my vote for a King! I voted for a President who did what he said and managed to get Roe v Wade overturned, which is what had been sought for decades. He never promised to seek a national abortion ban and would never have been successful in doing so. Have you ever heard the metaphor about how you eat an elephant? If not, the answer is one small bite at a time.
I voted for a President who promised to pursue peace instead of war.
I voted for a President who NEVER mandated the Covid jab, who spoke of UV light therapy and hydroxychloroquine as potential alternate treatments and was excoriated and mocked mercilessly by the press and medical establishment for doing so.
I voted for a President who is not a scientist nor a medical doctor and to my knowledge, has never claimed to be either one, who believed a conglomerate of “expert” researchers and scientists both in terms of the nature of the pandemic and the nature of the “cure” presented. In hindsight, a bad decision, but one possibly made in good faith without a true understanding of the evil lurking in the wings. Fauci and company went to great lengths to hide what they were doing, how would DJT have known? Even if he had, literally no one, or at least not enough, would have believed him and if you think otherwise, you’re choosing to ignore how focused all media outlets were on making Trump look foolish whenever he talked about Covid. Likewise, he was not the author of the hospital protocols. If anyone deserves the blame, it is the cadre of medical doctors across the land (with a few exceptions) who lacked the critical thinking skills or moral courage to stand up and call a halt to the madness that was occurring worldwide. Had doctors and medical professionals spoken with one voice this would never have happened. Many are still not speaking up.
Throughout your diatribe you consistently make comments like “people who claim to be Christians” and “…a smart man but another one who I believe is blinded by Trump”. It is obvious that you believe yourself to be both morally and intellectually superior to any person who believes DJT to be inherently flawed (as we all are, including you), but fighting for the sovereignty of the US and the God given rights of we the people. Since you delight in quoting the Bible, how about Matthew 7:1-3 “Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
If the context in which you quote the scripture, “a leopard cannot change its spots” is accurate, then we are all doomed because we are ALL sinners, we all have our own individual spots. It is absolute nonsense to suggest that people can’t change or that flawed individuals can’t serve a part in God’s plan. The Bible is rife with flawed men and women who changed their spots or were called by God in spite of their flaws: Moses, Saul, King David, Peter, etc. I am not suggesting, necessarily, that DJT is one of these, then again, I’m not suggest he isn’t. All I know for sure is that God works in mysterious ways and that neither you, nor I, are in on HIS plan.
Lest you get too wrapped up in Revelations and your interpretation thereof, keep in mind Matthew 24:36 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” To borrow a phrase from 1 Corinthians, we humans see “through a glass, darkly”
The perspective you are missing is that we've been programmed to believe the US is not a corporation, and therefore presidential elections matter. They have conditioned us to believe our rights come from the state, so we participate in our own demise by participating in their theater production. Until a person sees Satan's spiritual agenda, none of what I'm sharing will make sense. This is the programming I've become awake to since Grace's murder.
I’m not suggesting evil forces are not at work, undoubtedly they are and have been since time immemorial. I’m also not suggesting that I have all of the answers, but I would also suggest that you don’t either. I do, however, get annoyed by overt claims that I’m morally or intellectually inferior based on the fact that I choose to vote. Obviously you are entitled to this opinion, but when you choose to put it out there in a public forum, I’m going to respond.
As to the claim that the US is a corporation rather than a Constitutional Republic, I’ll just say that I have seen those claims and done some research and do not find any of the arguments I’m aware of, to be credible. Most are based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of language used in legal documents and/or treaties.
None of my comments to you are meant, in any way, to minimize or downplay the unfathomable depth of your loss. As a parent, I sincerely empathize, but can only hope to never be in a position to truly understand the agony and grief you have endured. I hope you are somehow able to find some measure of peace.
"Can Evil be Fixed with Less Evil?"
I would approach this question from the backdoor:
"Can Evil be Fixed with MORE Evil?"
THIS is alleged "modern" politics in America, in Israel & most western country's.
THIS goes back to the OLD Testament's idea of "an eye for an eye" - which means sanctions up to war - whenever someone makes a mistake or commits an error.
That is WHY wars have become more devastating & more deadly ever since humans began killing each other with full INTENTION.
A single killer with the intention to kill - is called a "murderer".
A president who kills a million or more is called a "strong president".
But in both cases - the surviving people seek "revenge" - which means MORE Killing.
This is called a "VICIOUS CIRCLE" - as there is no escape possible - the killing continues eternally . . .
Then came JESUS of NAZARETH and called out this FAKE-theory of "an eye for an eye" - and replaced this "vicious cycle" with a FUNCTIONING method called FORGIVING - which is the only functioning method on this planet.
So the real CAUSE of the fighting today is OLD Testament against NEW Testament.
WHAT does real science say?
The INTENTION to harm or to kill = EVIL = PSYCHOPATHY
Man is basically good, which is the reason why professional therapy works 100%.
Everything else on this topic is FAKE-news from the MAFIA aka "DEEP STATE".
Satan's world will never improve., as you've demonstrated. God's instructions show those who follow Him how to be in the world but not of the world.