I first heard about Grace on the Alex Jones Show. Today I caught Scotts interview on the SGTReport. I shared the link with several people. I also shared this link for the newsletter. I personally know of at least 3 men ages 40's, 6O's and 70's who all spent WEEKS in hospitals here in MN dying of Rona on ventilators. As a former nurse I have reasons to believe these men probably were also murdered by these facilities. I will be doing a part supporting your family.
The book, What The Nurses Saw describes why hospitals murder people. (It's for the money!) Having my Dad, Wife & best Friend killed by iatrogenic "medicine" & my grandson MMR vax injured, along with the *250,000 to *800,000 who are killed by our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma "medicine" each year! I hope this case helps stop the killing! (*see the Johns [low-ball] iatrogenic study. * Or the more accurate well-documented book, Death By Medicine, by Dr. Null! P.S. As my MMR vax injured grandson, Grace Schara was most likely forced MMR vax damaged! Then forced to die! God saves us from Big Pharma!
Thanks Steve. As far as we are aware, Grace was never vaccinated with anything. I say 'as far as we are aware' because of sinister medical staff being willing to do things the parents don't agree with, when the baby is our of their sight.
Thank you more!!! Are you aware of the thousands MMR- induced ASD cases, as RFK Jr. & others [like me] mentioned? We know that Grace was murdered, by failure to treat, Gain of Function Coved with HCQ or Ivermectin then, most likely inappropriate, ventilator settings [as mentioned in “What the Nurses Saw’ which best explains why Grace & thousands of others were murdered (It was for the Fed’s “emergency” Money!) How else would you expect our 50 billion in fraud fines and **leader in cause of death, to act? (**See the Johns [low-ball] iatrogenic study. * Or the more accurate well-documented book, Death By Medicine, by Dr. Null! I.e., 12.5 to 40 million deaths in the last 50 years! [Not counting all the Coved murders] [Fact!] That IS, is the Godless pandemic death elephant in Godless America!
Only God Jesus can save us! Not Big Pharma medicine! [fact]
Jesus said, "Blessed are those who are pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Grace has seen God.
I first heard about Grace on the Alex Jones Show. Today I caught Scotts interview on the SGTReport. I shared the link with several people. I also shared this link for the newsletter. I personally know of at least 3 men ages 40's, 6O's and 70's who all spent WEEKS in hospitals here in MN dying of Rona on ventilators. As a former nurse I have reasons to believe these men probably were also murdered by these facilities. I will be doing a part supporting your family.
The book, What The Nurses Saw describes why hospitals murder people. (It's for the money!) Having my Dad, Wife & best Friend killed by iatrogenic "medicine" & my grandson MMR vax injured, along with the *250,000 to *800,000 who are killed by our 50 billion in fraud fines Big Pharma "medicine" each year! I hope this case helps stop the killing! (*see the Johns [low-ball] iatrogenic study. * Or the more accurate well-documented book, Death By Medicine, by Dr. Null! P.S. As my MMR vax injured grandson, Grace Schara was most likely forced MMR vax damaged! Then forced to die! God saves us from Big Pharma!
Thanks Steve. As far as we are aware, Grace was never vaccinated with anything. I say 'as far as we are aware' because of sinister medical staff being willing to do things the parents don't agree with, when the baby is our of their sight.
Thank you more!!! Are you aware of the thousands MMR- induced ASD cases, as RFK Jr. & others [like me] mentioned? We know that Grace was murdered, by failure to treat, Gain of Function Coved with HCQ or Ivermectin then, most likely inappropriate, ventilator settings [as mentioned in “What the Nurses Saw’ which best explains why Grace & thousands of others were murdered (It was for the Fed’s “emergency” Money!) How else would you expect our 50 billion in fraud fines and **leader in cause of death, to act? (**See the Johns [low-ball] iatrogenic study. * Or the more accurate well-documented book, Death By Medicine, by Dr. Null! I.e., 12.5 to 40 million deaths in the last 50 years! [Not counting all the Coved murders] [Fact!] That IS, is the Godless pandemic death elephant in Godless America!
Only God Jesus can save us! Not Big Pharma medicine! [fact]
The whole thing is incredibly sad. We will be making heads or tails out of it for years to come. It was never a vaccine.