
What is needed is a list of lawyers who will take these kinds of cases and more.

Husband was kidnapped by a local hospital in Maine (May 2021) when he used the emergency room and was locked up for 9 days in a newly created covid unit.

This was accomplished by using the fake PCR test. NO visitors were allowed which provided the hospital with full control of the situation.

It took me 9 days to figure out HOW to get him released.

I used the dove/serpent approach as spoken about in the Gospel according to Thomas.

The dove approach is using the humble approach in their "terrain" (hospital environment).

Had I made demands I risked being charged with domestic terrorism, harassment, threatening and so forth as a security guard was standing behind me, and a very tall man, who was called to address me, asked what I wanted.

The serpent approach is providing facts and evidence.

The symbolism of the serpent is that the serpent sheds its skin which means to shed the old and bring in the new.

Using the dove/serpent approach worked as husband was released shortly thereafter.

Someone realized that I knew too much and decided it was best to release husband.

I later wrote a 15 page document accusing the hospital of human trafficking, kidnapping, and body snatching and providing plenty of violations of law, and sent it to the Maine AG, the local, county sheriff, and our representative all to no avail.

NO one did a thing about this.

I have yet to find a lawyer who will take this case.

Two lawyers declined to take it so far.

What I may do is write a book, since I am an author of two books already, and tell husband's kidnap story.

Why he came out alive is NOT known to us.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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The best thing we can do is speak out. The legal game was rigged long before Covid, putting statutory roadblocks to using the anti-Christ legal system for justice. You did a good thing documenting what happened.

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What is rather interesting is that G. Edward Griffin also came out of the hospital alive.

I watched a video where he explained how he was able to save himself from the hospital protocol.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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He and I had a long talk about that situation.

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In 2014, I wrote a book using my maiden name because a close relative worked at the Pentagon in order to attempt to avoid potential trouble to both of us by exposing the truth.

It is called "Where Did The Original Constitutional State Go" by Lise Dupont (available online and other bookstores) exposing, among other things, that the original State of Maine was overthrown in 1876 plus there aren't any constitutional courts operating in Maine as well as NO commissioned judges exist in Maine.

What operates today is a fake "administrative, corporate" state in Maine.

If anyone thinks they have constitutional "secured" rights, think again.

Constitutions do NOT possess any rights to give away but do protect rights that "already" exist, for ex., see Art. 1, Sec. 2 of the Maine constitution which states in part: "All power is inherent in the people."

Husband and I learned the "hard way" that neither of us had any rights when he was a "prisoner" at a local hospital in Maine.

A commission incorporates two functions, and think of the word "to" vertically in order to remember them = making associations.

T: Title - the person so named in his or her commission receives a Title, for ex., Chief

Justice, Superior Court Justice, District Court Judge, & Judge of Probate.

O: Office, a public office, which is why the public can attend court sessions.

There are lots of exhibits in the back of the book showing that the so-called judges ONLY have a "certificate" which is NOT mentioned in the Constitution of Maine.

When I conducted Freedom of Access (Maine statute) requests of several so-called judges, I asked for a copy of their commission and with their own admission they ONLY have "certificates."

See their responses in the back of the book.

Quite amazing to say the least.

NO commissions has ever been sent to me because they "don't exist."

Total fraud!

By the way, my nephew (sister's son) is currently a so-called judge in Maine as he, among others, do NOT have a commission.

I was "already" aware of the fraud that existed in Maine long before husband was kidnapped but the fact that we were treated like slaves during his imprisonment was ONLY another revelation of this existing fraud.

It just made it "much more" obvious.

This fake covid has awakened many but many more need to wake up to the enslavement that has been established a long time ago in more ways than one.

Our dumbed down school system (colleges/universities, too) has left many uninformed (not stupid) as to what is really going on but there is a way of getting out of being uninformed by reading and more reading.

I began establishing my library of books years and years go, and have learned a great deal from them that one will more likely NEVER learn in schools.

I have a number of degrees but my numerous books have taught me much more of what is REALLY going on in the world as well as here in these United States.

Here is ONLY a sampling of what I studied over the years on my own.

The civil (uncivil) war which was a total fraud, and we are taught to honor Dictator Lincoln sitting on his throne in the Masonic city of Washington, DC.

I studied the civil war for 6 years by reading many books by those who revealed the truth of the matter.

What a farce!

I studied Wall Street for 8 years; it is NOT what most people think. It is rigged against investors in many ways but there is a way of winning if one learns how.

The Russian Revolution is also a lie. Attacking Japan is another lie. Both world wars are full of lies, too.

I could go on and on and on but it is too numerous to name all my studies.

There is hope after all.

Begin your learning journey by reading and more reading.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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You have a lot to share.

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Yeah, I have been learning on my own for a very long time after I decided that I no longer wanted to be uninformed (dumbed down in schools) so I took charge and changed that.

I knew plenty about my own profession but what else did I know?

Not much!

That has now changed so I am no longer fooled by the psychopaths that seek to control all of us.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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Thank you!

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If I had read what I wrote 3 years ago, I wouldn't have believed the writer was telling the truth.

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I think in the greater population consolidating plan it makes more sense to murder the younger aged people. This is where the future population growth lies. The oldsters are going to die off any way. But this clown show has already been defeated as world wide population is still growing, I believe.

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You are correct and they are coming after kids directly through medical facilities removing parents' access when the child turns age 12. Of course, they have been doing this long before Covid, via vaccines and the public fool system.

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Add oxygen prescriptions into the mix.

Oxygen is primarily prescribed for the terminally ill. Not for breathlessness.

Palliative care is not kind.

Mammalian physiology is based on hydration not oxygenation. Wet not dry.

Hydration equals salt plus water. Respiratory distress begins with dehydration.

Hence the old remedies: salt water irrigations/gargles/inhalations.

Salty broths / chicken soup

Stay hydrated and keep your health.

The demonisation of salt has undermined health on purpose. THEY spend a heap of money maintaining the salt is bad mantra. It generates chronic dehydration and dis-ease. Read my articles. Click on the blue icon.

Here’s an example from WHO international.

In 2013, Member States adopted the Global action plan for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases 2013-2020, to take coordinated action at all levels, to attain nine voluntary global targets, including a 30% relative reduction in mean population intake of sodium by 2025 with a goal of <2000mg/day.  Sodium reduction has since been recognized by WHO as one of the “best buys” in global public health, yielding an estimated return on investment of USD$13-78 for every dollar invested.

Source https://www.who.int/health-topics/noncommunicable-diseases/reducing-population-sodium-salt-intakes#tab=tab_1

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Thanks for sharing.

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Keep doing what you’re doing Scott. How i appreciate your work. And I look forward to meeting your Amazing Grace in glory one day.

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Thanks Nancy.

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Well done.

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I would caution you to be careful with things like chiropractic—yes there are a lot of chiropractors who say they are Christian but you may want to look into the origins of it…it’s not pretty. Joe Rogan had a segment or two on it as well. Believe me I’m quite disillusioned with the medical system but we also need to be vigilant to not fall into New Age stuff. This pastor had some interesting thoughts (scroll to the bottom under New Age Views https://equippingbc.org/positions/ I do not know him, nor his reaction to Covid, but his paper comes up upon searching “chiropractic unbiblical” and it’s food for thought. He has papers on naturopathy and homeopathy too.

Things like “vitalism” is Taoism—search an image of Traditional Chinese Medicine‘s 5 Phases (“Wu xing“) or Ayurveda’s 3 doshas 5 elements—does that shape look familiar? And Yoga is not just stretching (Doreen Virtue’s interviews with Allie Beth are eye opening). I’m not saying you’re doing these things but that it’s tempting to think western medicine bad so alternative is all good. Remember God is the first One you should turn to, and then look for natural solutions, but any sort of “liver tincture” or “meridian” or “x’s energy is the root of your ills” should make you pause and pray! A lot is the same business model as a “pill for an ill”—just less processed 😂—and/or something evil.

I’m slowly climbing out of the alt med rabbit hole. It was stressing me out way too much to the point it was hurting me. I thought I needed to detox this and cleanse that and me me me I had to do these things but I wasn’t turning to God, I was trusting what I could do now with these cures I read about, and wanted to have the people I love do these things too. But in the same way that we don’t know all the damage a vaccine does, we don’t know all the things we mess with when we try to cure ourselves. Maybe the issue is something spiritual (https://biblehub.com/commentaries/1_corinthians/11-30.htm). The body is so intricately and beautifully knit together by our Creator.

It’s still easier said than done to trust God first with health. And at doctors and alternative medicine doctors/practices, still be vigilant! Again, not saying you’re doing any of this and I do think the Rockefellers did baaaaad stuff, but just a caution about alt medicine too!

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Thanks for sharing. I'm very aware of the use of dialectics in all medical perspectives. I peeled back the layers in The Matrix Revealed series on my Rumble channel. This specific situation was discussed in Part 2a: https://rumble.com/v4njy1k-the-matrix-revealed-the-illusion-of-choice-part-2a-peeling-back-the-layers-.html

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Oh! I didn’t know you did that!

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