The system will always ruthlessly protect itself against what it perceives as the enemy and people outside of this system are definitely the enemy. Every single institution is part of the system, medical, legal, police, education etc. it is a massive interconnecting network and they will protect each other. It is clearly David fighting Goliath, you are standing your ground and fighting for what is right trying to shine a light on their very dark deeds, evil hates and fears the light.

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Well said. Thank you.

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Great info on your whole journey for justice to be served in Grace’s memory.

Keep up your courage! I pray for this situation daily.

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We are humbled by the journey and are thankful for your prayers.

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This evening I will be listening to the videos presented in the article.

In husband's kidnap case by Stephens Memorial Hospital in Norway, Maine in May 2021 when he used the ER because of a head injury based on a fall, the said ER was converted into a "kidnap" room by using the fake PCR test, which is NOT a diagnostic tool, and was declared as having fake covid, and locked up for 9 days in a newly created fake covid unit until I could figure out how to advocate for him.

NO visitors were allowed so the hospital staff had full control of the situation.

I had to deal with vicious, nasty females who refused to allow me to visit my husband. I was also surrounded by a security guard who was ready to arrest me at any given time frame.

This was a hostile environment to say the least.

Husband and I realized that we didn't have any rights whatsoever meaning we are converted into slaves all of a sudden.

When I wrote the 15 page document citing the various laws violated, I used the Maine constitution, which is the highest law in the land.

All statutes MUST follow the constitution but do they?

I sent this to the Maine AG (democrat), the local, county sheriff (republican), and to our representative (republican) all to no avail.

NO one cared.

I asked two lawyers to examine this case, and neither of them would take the case.

I also asked my nephew (sister's son), who is a judge in Maine, about a lawsuit.

He agreed about my book idea instead.

I have finally conducted as much research in this matter as I possibly can so I will begin writing the book after the holidays.

This will be my 3rd book.

I will mention my mother's polio case, which happened in Canada, as the Prime Minister quarantined (not lock down which is a military/prison term - think operation warp speed via Trump) my maternal grandparents' home.

Did he do the right thing?

Yes, he did as he has a duty to protect the public as very few people, if any, understood polio at that time.

This book will reveal much.

God love Grace and her family.

I will be watching this case closely.

Hope this case is a winner NOT only regarding Grace and her family but for all who were used, abused, and murdered by the medical system.

In 2002, Dr. E. at the SAME hospital as above-mentioned attempted to "murder" (nothing new in hospitals these days) my mother-in-law by using the powerful mechanism of "withholding" (withholding treatment to allow her death) until he got caught.

He decided that it was time for her to die at age 93.

He must have been following hospital protocol.

Slave owners understood this concept quite well as they knew that an "educated" slave would NOT make a good slave = free labor.

I deliberately sat across from him (study environmental psychology which I did, among many things) when a conference was held by him and the family in the said hospital.

Most of the conversation was nonsense because most family members lacked comprehension of what was happening.

When it came to my turn to speak, I asked him "who owns death?"

Guess what?

That potent question (only one potent question was needed to create some new action) was enough to cause him to jump out of his chair, and then over time he ordered some medications for her.

He understood exactly what I meant by it.

My mother-in-law lived for 2 more years and died at age 95.

By the way, NO one offered me any injections during fake covid because I refused to enter the medical system even though many years ago I worked in the middle of it.

Husband was offered 3 times and refused every time. They even had a female physician suggest the injection even though he doesn't have a female physician but he refused.

Did the medical organization receive "kickbacks" when someone accepted the poisonous injections?

All for now.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician).

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Thanks Lise. I hope your book communicates what people need to hear.

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Shared the article on www.activatehumanity.com

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Godless societies need, demand, & deserve Godless political "medicine." That fact constantly repeats itself in Bible stores! I.e. "The wages of sin is death"! As our 50 billion in fraud fines and leader in cause of death/ Big Pharma "medicine." best proves that point!

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Right on, Steve.

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Blessings to all of you! It looks like she was a sweetheart! 💟

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She was an absolute gift from God.

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I love that she called you her "earthly father," and that you can have the comfort of knowing she is now with her heavenly father.

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Your family and this law suit remain in my prayers daily always concluding with “and may God be glorified above all”.

When I read your posts and see that as your focus every time, it invigorates my heart and my prayers for you all.

May God bless, strengthen and protect you and your family.

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Thanks Natalie. Your note and prayers mean a lot to us. God bless you.

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I have two daughters (19 and 21) with Down syndrome. My wake-up moment about eugenics disguised as 'health-care' came years ago when discovering the only reason for prenatal testing for Down syndrome is to pressure moms to abort their child. I live in Canada and here, and in many other countries, the selective abortion rate for Down syndrome is > 90%. During Covid, many of these countries singled out people with Down syndrome to receive extra 'vaccinations'. Abortion before birth, but protection after birth? Of course that doesn't make any sense unless the covid vaccinations and hospital protocols were designed to kill the vulnerable in society. I pray you will win your case and that Grace's death will lead to many positive changes and wake up many. It's horrific what your beautiful daughter and family had to go through. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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I'm thankful you are awake to what you are up against. Praise God for the blessings He has given you.

God bless you, Renate.

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By their sorcery were all nations deceived

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Will include this in my Rosary prayers.🕊️💖

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May God bless you, Tracy.

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Pray for the Schara family and this lawsuit to accomplish all God wills it to. I have followed this story since I first heard of it and am humbled to pray for this courageous family and warrior father.

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Your words are very encouraging. Thank you.

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Wow. Bookmarking. Is there a way to opt out of Medicare? I keep trying to tell people that Medicare and social security are NOT great. They are repackaging your [significantly] reduced earnings, putting a bow on them, calling it “free,” and then taxing you on them again!

They are over-taxing you throughout life, killing you with tax-funded poisons etc, and dumbing you down to not think to question things, so you think it’s a good thing the government “saved” your earnings for you, who are so sick at 65, and it has all these medical establishments for you, and else how would you make it month to month without these checks?

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If you take social security you are automatically tied to medicare. Regardless, I recommend finding a provider outside of the system who does not accept medicare. People on medicare are programmed to use it so they are in the trap.

This interview has some good information toward that end: https://rumble.com/v5ee919-medical-freedom-is-possible-today.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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Even with my VA disability and my husband's insurance, I go out of pocket to fix myself because alopathic medicine can be so dangerous. They want to give you all kinds of drugs for colds and flu, but when I test positive for a parasite, they tell me my body will fight it off. How backwards is that? I have a rife machine and mimosa pudica seed, but that's beside the point. W. T. F?

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You called it, Kim.

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in Bosnia we cannot find from the State Experts to look into the case but also never have gotten paper or journals in the form of sheet with tables etc what was exactly being given to our dear ones. I think they play game to throw case off because of deflation of time, could it be?

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Yes, I believe you are correct. Time favors evil.

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I think I ll call Court because Bosnian high Court in December 20th, 2020 ruled COVID Religion Pigeon was illegal. The Only Nation in the world with such ruling. I'll ask to try to find some solution not due to ruling only but of killings going on under the mantel of care...I'll try last time via official lawyer one more time for table sheet per day and hour what was given, if they refuse than only waiting your case finished and going after them or if Trump change something dramatic in a mean time ...who knows. Thank You and success with your fight! God Bless. Mirza

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Please keep us updated. May God be with you Sir.

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Thanks. If you are subscribed to our Substack, you'll be as up-to-date as reasonable :).

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Blessings to your family!🙏

God is King!🥰

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Right on. Thanks Glen.

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Scott Schara is a disciplined and wonderful servant of the Most High God. Pray for his protection and victory in the name of Jesus Christ. We all MUST encourage one another to persevere and “grind” it out in these last days. Shout your praise to the Lord of glory! ✝️🙏❤️🔥🙌🏻🗝️👑

“But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” Matthew 24:13 KJV

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Thanks Peter. Your friendship has been a source of encouragement.

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Thank you for sharing. God always wins! God is using you, through your great loss, to bring out the truth and to save souls. I admire you and your family for pursuing this cause to bring justice for all of us who have lost loved ones under such evil circumstances. I too lost a loved one under similar unfortunate circumstances on 10/09/21, in our local hospital, while he was being treated for covid.

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Thanks Jill. I'm sorry you are having to go through what we are going through.

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