They just can't help copying what was done to them, as an undoing of the harm that was done.

Abolishing all vaccines including the ones that work, is not the solution to anything. It simply substitutes one Satanic delusion with another.

Scott Schara needs to understand one fact. Much of the world saw no inherent worth in his amazing Grace because of her mental condition.

This is because of performance anxiety.

We humans witness someone in need.

Then we realize it is up to us to provide help for that person's needs.

And we catastrophize the problem. We imagine that it will take an infinite amount of effort to provide help to that person, and we lack the capacity to provide infinite help. This makes us afraid.

So we then follow any leader who offers us an excuse to do nothing for the person in need.

Back when the Americans With Disabilities Act became law, many people who had grown up with a Marxist-Leninist or pseudo-Christian "Revolution Theology" background, approached disabled people's rights as a fight against a new enemy called "Ableism".

What's absurd about this Marxian construct is that it flies in the face of what all humans want.

Every one of us from our first limb movements in utero, to our first cry at birth as we expel the amniotic fluid in which we find ourselves drowning, to our first focusing of our eyes, to our first roll, crawl, words, and steps, expresses a craving for more abilities.

Everyone is personally an Ableist. We like being able. We do not envy those who have a disability, as we recognize it is worse to be without ability, than to get gifts from kind people who help us cope with a disability.

The social challenge faced by the disabled is not Ableism but rather it is the catastrophizing by everyone observing the person with the disability. Some years ago a soldier whose face was badly burned in a truck fire caused by an enemy bomb, underwent reconstructive surgery that put some muscle from his buttock over the bones of his face. Surgeons reconstructed his nose and saved his eyesight, but he has a face that does not move to register emotion. It is stiff as a mask. The plastic surgeon, a Colonel, invited the patient, a Sergeant, to quit working as a truck driver and take a new duty assignment at Walter Reed Hospital as the Colonel's clerk and driver. The Colonel had some arguments with members of Congress about whether the Army should perform plastic surgery that makes wounded soldiers less ugly. He let them meet the Sergeant whose face was as immobile as a pork chop on a dinner plate. The sight of the Sergeant provoked exactly that feeling of dread and horror in Congressmen who met him. But then they heard him speak, realized his humanity, stopped thinking of him as a monster, and realized the importance of reconstructive surgery.

The hospital workers who euthanized Scott Schara's Amazing Grace obviously saw her as a kind of monster. They never understood her humanity as her family did. So they saw a COVID-related death for which the hospital got paid federal money, as a favor to the Schara family. They obviously did not believe there was any real relationship nor communication between parents and daughter and shut their eyes to any evidence to the contrary.

The murder of Grace Schara is not a reason to abolish all vaccines.

It is a reason to abolish all euthanasia.

Where euthanasia is tolerated, people will be dehumanized into monsters and put to death. The catastrophizing of illness will drive this conclusion on its own.

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Vaccines and euthanasia are two different matters, but both kill. There are more and more who want the Shots to be Stopped, including Sen. Ron Johnson. We should try to get him and others to recognize and speak against hospital euthanasia.

At the very least, there should be an investigation into both vaccines and hospital protocols - both kill.

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