Of course your correction is right on. God is still on the throne. We are standing on Genesis 50:20 as a result of Grace's murder. I appreciate your comment.

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Thank you Margaret, for being my friend.

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I love that you stand up for what is right before God, no matter the cost. When we're in God's presence for all of eternity, we will be so amazed by His presence that we won't remember a thing about earth other than those who are still there. And we will be with our loved ones, who will be waiting at the door for us:) Hallelujah!

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Right on!

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Totally agree that there is always a boxed "answer" to the fear. The Playbook is the same because it always works. The key is to go against the grain, to not go along with the crowd, and to keep our eyes above for the things that are eternal! Thank you for the huge epiphanies... cannot say them too often!

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Yes, we have been deceived for a long time. I am grateful to be waking up, however late.

The one point in your article with which is disagree is that 'God no longer determines when we will die.'

Neither Satan nor the CDC nor WHO nor FDA nor "Dr Fauxi" or any of them is more powerful than God. Satan cannot take any of us our or give us trouble unless God allows it (see Job). And when we die suddenly or unexpectedly or as a result of murder or anything else nefarious, God uses those deaths for His purposes, to wake somebody else to their need of a Savior.

Happy to subscribe to your Substack.

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Satan can try his best, but God has already won! Christ is King.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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