I commend you on trying to find virtue in Trump (i.e. God using him to expose evil...). I hope it leads you somewhere. I find it curious that "Isreal" keeps bombing and killing people, but they are the ones being attacked. Fruits. God bless you brother 🙂

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Thanks for sharing.

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You said one time that if any reconstruction did not include repentance to God it was false. I agree with that. I also think it odd that they borrowed the term “The Great Awakening” from the past great repentance and revival but nowhere in this new “Great Awakening” movement is repentance to God mentioned. I used to be very involved politically, but not now. I felt since Covid it was more of a batten down the hatches phase for me until this indignation be past. Time to stock up on hiding the word of God in our hearts, (memorizing large portions of scripture)and memorizing and singing old hymns which have much good doctrine in them.

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Well said. Praise God your eyes are opened.

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Thank you for the Trailers, they’re excellent!! 👍🏻

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Thank you.

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