And how many people automatically sign their rights away without reading,,,

Filing a complaint is useless.

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We need to be very careful about signing paperwork for any entity.

Especially if you need to go to the hospital, the fine print may give permission for receive Remdesivir and a COVID shot (i.e., gene therapy; but they're never going to tell you that).

Furthermore, they may still try to override you while under anesthesia.

We have reports of shots given by an Operating Room nurse while the patient was under anesthesia, without their knowledge or consent.

Robert Paiser, whom Scott Schara rescued from a hospital, refused a COVID shot and still, a nurse walked into the room trying to give him a flu vaccine she held in her hand.

Stay vigilant. Keep your eyes on the things above. God help us all.

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Isn't it sad what "healing" has turned into. I graduated nursing school, 1962. Physicians had time to get to know a little about their patients/families. There were no ICUs, CCU, PT, OT, we did it all . Now with 3rd party payers, doctors have to become lawyers first, businessmen next, and finally doctors. And they also have to decide which side of the line to be on. Patients need the same thing. It's become adversarial.

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This is exactly why a lot of people are ditching their medical insurance, joining a co-op, medical plan, and paying cash for their doctors, as discussed in the article above.

It is sad, but there are many of us doctors who have kept our Hippocratic oath, or dedicated to our patients, and are available to them as doctors and human beings.

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That's another egregious situation. That you have to choose patients and patient care or "other".

When we had students at our facility, I was the hands on teacher, using that word loosely. We did, they read and watch.

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Managed Care stole the eyes of the doctor away to the laptop and took more time for paperwork and insurance. The thievery of stolen time away from patients will continue. That's why many doctors are switching to different types of healing.

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