Such a beautiful photo of Grace with the gorgeous bouquet she gathered and lake in background. Priceless keepsake. 🥰

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Senator Baldwin’s letter is outstanding and should be distributed far and wide. Non-profit status needs to go. It’s a scam to evade paying taxes in nearly every situation - legal money laundering. My stomach turned reading her letter although none of it was a surprise. It seems that same letter should go to every Ascension facility. Do we know if she received a response? If she did, likely much of the same BS as contained in the responses to the Schara lawsuit.

You’ve endured so much Scott. I hope you have the strength to survive litigation. Not much saps the life of a person like litigation does, especially against the all-powerful defendants you’re fighting in a completely corrupt judicial system.

This is one of those days where I’m feeling entirely overwhelmed by the magnitude of the corruption and evil that pervades every aspect of our lives. Crying myself to sleep seems like the best option....at least for a few hours...

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Repentance. It's not too late, until it is. Praying all guilty parties confess and repent.

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