I stay connected to the Lord, I pray everyday and I push satan and all his minions away. We can win this war, we just have to keep God close and spread the word for others to do the same. There is so much evil happening right now, the Middle East is on fire thanks to Israel, hundreds of thousands of people are dying, mostly Christians, I pray for them, thats all I can do from here. The US is evil, they perpetrated the Syrian mess along with Israel. Im sorry I got off topic but satan is everywhere, we must stay strong and let God carry us thru. God bless you and your family.
A great summary of key principles regarding the Hegelian dialectic. I love the academic nature, and thank you for the summary and examples. Satan is pervasive, a liar, and a deceiver. So much appreciate the details and Biblical perspective.
That woman Vicky was born into a Jewish family that practice satanism. Listen very very carefully to what she says. This is why Jews engage in endless warfare in the Middle East. Warfare is a great cover for rape and cannibalism Youll love this - "cannibalism" https://youtu.be/VTQVmac5ItY?si=UZEmrFSKOmn16iV7
Make your son's doctor's so they make take Christian's lives
Five rabbis are among those arrested for their alleged involvement in a huge money-laundering scheme, including the trafficking of human body parts, as a result of a 10-year investigation by the FBI in New Jersey.
Getting us into heaven after we die is not the totality of Christ’s work. It was to conform us into the image of Christ - while we are yet here on earth in our physical bodies. Bringing the kingdom of God to the earth now, in us. How? Salvation first, being born again, then walking in obedience to his instructions for holy living in the bible, reveling in good works, putting away the deeds of the flesh, etc. We labor to that end by the power of the indwelling Holy Ghost and grace of God till the Master comes.
A big help to me was reading The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God by Dallas Willard. Dallas died in 2014 but the Dallas Willard.org puts out someone his lectures on Youtube. These have been very instructive to me. You might like them, too.
Scott Schara believes that Satan is more powerful than God. I think Satan has control of Scott Schara. And I am not saying this lightly, he is married to my cousin.
Satan has no power other than what God has given. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Satan has none of these character traits, but he knows our sinful nature and is the prince of this world. Thankfully, God gave us Jesus as the way to escape.
Then sought to find out more about Mount Hermon and where exactly it is.
Google showed me this:
What was special about Mount Hermon in the Bible?
In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6).
Good stuff brother. Glad to hear you're not eating fat free pop tarts:)
Weaponized migration is a perfect example of hegelian dialectic. Now we need a solution to the intentionally caused problem-and it's big. Bring in digital ID, and we'll still have millions of thugs and illiterates overwhelming our society. Politics are WWF, pro wrestling. Voting is irrelevant as it's scripted. Satan goes deeper than one or 2 levels. When we think we figured out his deceptions in this world we're in dangerous territory. Jesus Christ and the Word of God are the only gauge of Truth. Thanks for your due diligence. God bless you brother 🙂
(We know we're in deceptive waters in alt media when Mike Adams interviews Stew Peters, its own ecosystem echo chamber...)
Well said. If we assume we are being deceived 24/7, then we are at the proper starting point and come to the conclusion that we have no ability to figure this out without God showing us.
Scott, you are in a very dark place. Your posts are no longer informational, they are depressing. I understand that the pain of Grace’s death will never cease, but please recognize that Satan is very encouraged that you are spreading his message. Personally, I choose to spread God’s message.
I realize that what Scott writes is not comforting, neither is someone yelling at you to get off the track a train is coming! To be warned of looming danger is not comfortable or encouraging but necessary, especially to those who, for example, see Trump as a savior. Mark Twain said it is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.
Thanks John. I should not have used the words 'call out' without explanation. It isn't the words that make it play into Satan's hand, it is the message behind the words. Right now, the race to expose evil is what fits into Satan's playbook, which is the warning I'm sharing.
Your connecting the dots on the 'false light' is refreshing.
I'm a bit confused on this issue. How does the race to expose evil fit into his playbook? So, are we supposed to NOT expose the evil? Sorry, but I don't get this.
I stay connected to the Lord, I pray everyday and I push satan and all his minions away. We can win this war, we just have to keep God close and spread the word for others to do the same. There is so much evil happening right now, the Middle East is on fire thanks to Israel, hundreds of thousands of people are dying, mostly Christians, I pray for them, thats all I can do from here. The US is evil, they perpetrated the Syrian mess along with Israel. Im sorry I got off topic but satan is everywhere, we must stay strong and let God carry us thru. God bless you and your family.
Right on and well said, Hannah.
Thank you :)
A great summary of key principles regarding the Hegelian dialectic. I love the academic nature, and thank you for the summary and examples. Satan is pervasive, a liar, and a deceiver. So much appreciate the details and Biblical perspective.
Thanks Margaret. I appreciate your continued support.
That is an excellent observation as picking one side or the other gets you to nowhere good.
Thank you.
Crushing the jew in 5 minutes
Community Blames Mother, not Mohel, for Death from Metzitzah b’Peh putting human blood in your mouth makes you a cannibal
Never mind they fuck their children in the showers https://www.bishop-accountability.org/news2013/11_12/2013_11_12_Gothamist_UltraorthodoxSex.htm
That woman Vicky was born into a Jewish family that practice satanism. Listen very very carefully to what she says. This is why Jews engage in endless warfare in the Middle East. Warfare is a great cover for rape and cannibalism Youll love this - "cannibalism" https://youtu.be/VTQVmac5ItY?si=UZEmrFSKOmn16iV7
Make your son's doctor's so they make take Christian's lives
Five rabbis are among those arrested for their alleged involvement in a huge money-laundering scheme, including the trafficking of human body parts, as a result of a 10-year investigation by the FBI in New Jersey.
Circumcision and The cutting of the flesh is against Torah
Never mind they engage in human sacrifice and harvest organs. https://maxxny.substack.com/p/organ-donation-is-ritual-human-sacrifice?r=2iukak
Jews are satanists
Thanks Max.
Just another day at work. Made the Christ bestow his greatest blessings upon you..
At times I think we want our country back so we can go about sin as usual. Rather than crying out to God for forgiveness and mercy.
Very well said in two short sentences.
Getting us into heaven after we die is not the totality of Christ’s work. It was to conform us into the image of Christ - while we are yet here on earth in our physical bodies. Bringing the kingdom of God to the earth now, in us. How? Salvation first, being born again, then walking in obedience to his instructions for holy living in the bible, reveling in good works, putting away the deeds of the flesh, etc. We labor to that end by the power of the indwelling Holy Ghost and grace of God till the Master comes.
A big help to me was reading The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering Our Hidden Life in God by Dallas Willard. Dallas died in 2014 but the Dallas Willard.org puts out someone his lectures on Youtube. These have been very instructive to me. You might like them, too.
Here is one of them.
Wow! Thanks for sharing, Jimmy.
Scott Schara believes that Satan is more powerful than God. I think Satan has control of Scott Schara. And I am not saying this lightly, he is married to my cousin.
Satan has no power other than what God has given. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. Satan has none of these character traits, but he knows our sinful nature and is the prince of this world. Thankfully, God gave us Jesus as the way to escape.
I found this recent news item interesting and somewhat relevant.
Israel News Analysis
From Mount Hermon's Peaks, Netanyahu Plots His Vision of a Greater Israel
Then sought to find out more about Mount Hermon and where exactly it is.
Google showed me this:
What was special about Mount Hermon in the Bible?
In the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Mount Hermon is the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth. They swear upon the mountain that they would take wives among the daughters of men and take mutual imprecation for their sin (Enoch 6).
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki
And AI says the Nephilim were the results of the Watchers (fallen angels) mating with humans.
Thanks for sharing this fact. It is interesting how all the details tie together once you see the big picture.
Good stuff brother. Glad to hear you're not eating fat free pop tarts:)
Weaponized migration is a perfect example of hegelian dialectic. Now we need a solution to the intentionally caused problem-and it's big. Bring in digital ID, and we'll still have millions of thugs and illiterates overwhelming our society. Politics are WWF, pro wrestling. Voting is irrelevant as it's scripted. Satan goes deeper than one or 2 levels. When we think we figured out his deceptions in this world we're in dangerous territory. Jesus Christ and the Word of God are the only gauge of Truth. Thanks for your due diligence. God bless you brother 🙂
(We know we're in deceptive waters in alt media when Mike Adams interviews Stew Peters, its own ecosystem echo chamber...)
Well said. If we assume we are being deceived 24/7, then we are at the proper starting point and come to the conclusion that we have no ability to figure this out without God showing us.
Great post, thank you.
Thanks Diane.
Scott, you are in a very dark place. Your posts are no longer informational, they are depressing. I understand that the pain of Grace’s death will never cease, but please recognize that Satan is very encouraged that you are spreading his message. Personally, I choose to spread God’s message.
As you know, I'm going where God leads. The truth is important now more than ever. With God, the truth is not depressing but encouraging.
I realize that what Scott writes is not comforting, neither is someone yelling at you to get off the track a train is coming! To be warned of looming danger is not comfortable or encouraging but necessary, especially to those who, for example, see Trump as a savior. Mark Twain said it is easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled.
Well said, Jimmy. I'm not winning a popularity contest with these things :).
Sometimes the truth is dark. I’m afraid he is right.
Thanks Janet.
Excellent post thank you!
Thanks Emma.
Thanks John. I should not have used the words 'call out' without explanation. It isn't the words that make it play into Satan's hand, it is the message behind the words. Right now, the race to expose evil is what fits into Satan's playbook, which is the warning I'm sharing.
Your connecting the dots on the 'false light' is refreshing.
I'm a bit confused on this issue. How does the race to expose evil fit into his playbook? So, are we supposed to NOT expose the evil? Sorry, but I don't get this.